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IAP CMS Commentary

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Karen LLanos, Director, Medicaid IAP

Through the Medicaid Innovation Accelerator Program (IAP), we have been working directly with 28 states to improve the health and health care for Medicaid beneficiaries by supporting ongoing efforts related to delivery system reforms. In addition to working with states across our program priority...

Karen LLanos, Director, Medicaid IAP and Laura Snyder, Social Science Research Analyst, IAP, CMCS

In the July 24, 2013 Center for Medicaid and CHIP Services Information Bulletin , we described Medicaid “superutilizers” or Beneficiaries with Complex Needs and High Costs (BCNs) as Medicaid beneficiaries who because of their health and/or social conditions, are likely to experience...

Juliet Kuhn, Social Science Research Analyst, Division of Quality & Health Outcomes, CMCS and Karen LLanos, Director, Medicaid IAP

Medicaid IAP’s quality measurement portfolio is focused on supporting states in the selection, use, and alignment of quality measures related to Medicaid delivery system reform efforts. There are three areas of foci to our IAP quality measurement work, all of which are designed to complement...

Karen LLanos, Director, Medicaid IAP and Tyler Sadwith, Health Insurance Specialist, Disabled and Elderly Health Programs Group, CMCS

After a year and a half working with Medicaid and behavioral health agencies to develop robust approaches for addressing substance use disorders, we have much to share with states. As described in the Medicaid Innovation Accelerator Program (IAP) High Intensity Learning Collaborative (HILC)...

Tim Hill, Deputy Director, CMCS and Karen LLanos, Director, Medicaid IAP

This month IAP marks its second anniversary, and celebrates the program’s growth into an active agent of transformation for state Medicaid delivery system reforms. In July 2014, when we launched IAP, we had high hopes that states would turn to IAP to drive change and improvement in key...

Wendy Alexander, Technical Director, Medicare-Medicaid Coordination Office and Karen LLanos, Director, Medicaid IAP

When we held our 2014 IAP listening sessions to identify possible areas of technical support for states, we heard repeatedly from Medicaid agencies that targeted technical support with getting access to and integrating Medicare-Medicaid data was greatly needed. At CMS, the Medicare-Medicaid...

Katherine Griffith, Senior Advisor, Medicaid IAP and Karen LLanos, Director, Medicaid IAP

Over the past 12 months, the Medicaid Innovation Accelerator Program (IAP) has worked directly with 15 states and has reached over 40 states through its national, virtual learning opportunities. However, in many ways IAP’s work with states is just beginning in its four program areas: Reducing...

Fran Griffin, Senior Advisor, CMMI and Medicaid IAP Performance Improvement Lead, Katherine Griffith, Senior Advisor, Medicaid IAP and Karen LLanos, Director, Medicaid IAP

Happy New Year! As mentioned in last month’s commentary , we at the Medicaid Innovation Accelerator Program (IAP) are very excited for what the IAP has in store this year. With all of our program areas almost up and running with selected states, we are now equally focused on supporting...

Karen LLanos, Director, Medicaid IAP and John O'Brien, Senior Policy Advisor, CMCS

What a year of growth that 2015 has been for IAP! In last year’s December commentary I announced the program priority areas that we had selected for IAP. It was a long selection process that included many internal and external discussions. In thinking back to this time last year, two things...

Juliet Feldman and Mike Smith

We are excited to share with you news about two new initiatives that launched in October and let you know about a kick-off discussion on physical/mental health integration scheduled for December 8th.  

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