To help support outreach and enrollment efforts, the Center for Medicaid and CHIP Services (CMCS) is offering a set of Medicaid Fact Sheets that are aimed at helping consumers understand the basics:
- Who is eligible for Medicaid and Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP)?
- What benefits do the programs provide?
- How can individuals enroll?
These fact sheets feature a variety of images and are available in English and Spanish. One set of fact sheets are tailored for states that have expanded Medicaid (green background) and another set for states that have not expanded (blue back ground). We also are offering materials for use in American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) communities, where it is important to discuss specific protections for applicants and beneficiaries.
To help ensure the fact sheets will be as useful as possible, we are also offering to customize the materials with local phone numbers, logos and other information. (Note: CMS will customize the design of the fact sheets, but is unable to supply printed copies.) To assist you in making your request for localized materials, we are providing a customization guide for the general fact sheets. Below are links to all the fact sheets, along with the product numbers if interested in customizing the item. The fact sheets are available to download and print for use without customization.
Let CMS know how you're using them and send any questions or suggestions to
For States Expanding Medicaid
- “Family of Four” English / “Family of Four” Spanish – (CMS Product No. 11809)
- “Dad and Daughter” English / “Dad and Daughter” Spanish – (CMS Product No 11824)
- “Male with Beard” English / “Male with Beard” Spanish – (CMS Product No. 11811)
- “Female with White Tank Top” English / “Female with White Tank Top” Spanish – (CMS Product No. 11826)
- “Female with Turquoise Outfit” English / “Female with Turquoise Outfit” Spanish – (CMS Product No. 11828)
- “Female with White Shirt/Red Flowers” English / Female with White Shirt/Red Flowers” Spanish – (CMS Product No. 11830)
For Non-Expansion States
- “Family of 4” English / “Family of Four” Spanish – (CMS Product No. 11801)
- “Dad and Daughter” English / “Dad and Daughter” Spanish – (CMS Product No 11823)
For Groups Working with American Indian/Alaska Native Populations
Explore flyers, fact sheets, public service announcements, and videos explaining special benefits for American Indians and Alaka Natives with Medicaid and CHIP.