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Reviewing a Year of Progress and What’s on the Horizon: Increasing Access to Medicaid School-Based Services (SBS)

September 19, 2024
3:00 PM – 4:00 PM ET

State Medicaid Agencies (SMAs), State Educational Agencies (SEAs), and Local Educational Agencies (LEAs) are invited to join Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and the U.S. Department of Education (ED) on September 19, 2024, for a webinar. This event will discuss progress in the 2 years since the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act (BSCA) was passed and in the inaugural year of the Technical Assistance Center (TAC), including a review of the existing technical assistance and resources provided by the TAC. This event will also discuss the newly awarded Medicaid SBS grants provided by CMS and highlight a few States that are making progress toward increasing access to health services. Finally, the event will highlight the TAC’s path forward, with a review of upcoming events and reports States can expect in the next year.

By the end of this webinar, participants should be aware of:

  • The available TAC resources produced to help States understand various topics within Medicaid SBS.
  • How Medicaid SBS is currently being delivered across the United States.
  • The work of States in implementing and establishing SBS programs.
  • Forthcoming TAC events and resources.

Register for the meeting here. Questions for the panelists may be submitted through the registration process. Please direct any other questions related to the webinar or guidance to the SBS mailbox at SchoolBasedServices@cms.hhs.gov.