The Center for Medicaid and CHIP Services (CMCS) and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) regional offices adjudicate more than 2,000 actions annually, including state plan amendments (SPAs), waiver applications, advanced planning documents, and more. CMCS also engages in extensive work in the oversight of current programs and the development of new policy (regulations, state Medicaid director letters, ongoing technical assistance to states, etc.) to keep pace with state and industry innovations.
Medicaid and Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) represent a federal and state partnership. As part of Medicaid and CHIP Business Information Solution, CMS has built a new state-facing system to capture states’ submissions of SPAs, waivers, advanced planning documents, etc. This system, the Medicaid and CHIP Program (MACPro) system, has been live as of December 2015 and continues to expand to include new authorities and state actions for CMS review.
CMS is developing the MACPro system, to make the process of modifying state plans, demonstrations, and waivers more streamlined, efficient, and transparent for state partners and researchers.
Explore the currently available systems and documents to apply for a change to state Medicaid plans, waivers, and demonstrations.
- MACPro System
- One Medicaid and CHIP Program System (OneMAC)
- Medicaid Model Data Lab (MMDL)
- Waiver Management System (WMS)
- Survey and Certification/Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendment (SC/CLIA) System
- Medicaid and CHIP (MAC) Learning Collaborative
- Environmental Scanning and Program Characteristics (ESPC) Database
CMS Medicaid and CHIP Program Systems
MACPro System
MACPro system allows CMS and states to collaborate online to process SPAs, waivers, demonstrations, advance planning documents, and other initiatives. Contents in MACPro will expand over time as new modules are deployed. For MACPro assistance, please email the help desk at or call 833-228-2540.
- Identity Management (IDM)
- MACPro Roles and Administration
- Health Homes SPA
- Medicaid Eligibility and Administration SPA
- MACPro Shareable PDF
Identity Management (IDM)
View instructions for gaining access to MACPro through the CMS Identity Management (IDM) System.
MACPro Roles and Administration
An introductory reference document provides step-by-step instructions on how to manage your user profile, request and modify roles, and approve and deny roles. Brief introductory videos also are available.
Health Homes SPA
Video and slide decks for health homes SPA training and help are available for state and CMS users. View additional information and tools to assist states in developing and submitting a health homes SPA in MACPro:
- MACPro Health Homes State Plan Amendment Reference Document for State Users
- Introductory Guide for MACPro Health Homes State Plan Amendments Migrated Data
Medicaid Eligibility and Administration SPA
Video and slide decks for eligibility and administration SPA training and help are available. View additional information and tools to assist states in developing and submitting an eligibility, enrollment, or single state agency SPA in MACPro:
- MACPro Medicaid State Plan Reference Document for State Users
- Introductory Guide to Creating a Medicaid Eligibility SPA in MACPro
- Eligibility and Administration SPA Implementation Guides
- MACPro Dependencies - Which Eligibility and Enrollment Templates Do I Need to Complete First?
- Crosswalk from MACPro to Paper-Based State Plan and MMDL (Complete Listing of Medicaid Eligibility and Enrollment SPA Templates in MACPro)
- Medicaid Eligibility Crosswalk from the Paper-Based State Plan to MACPro
MACPro Shareable PDF
View instructions for utilizing the Shareable PDF functionality within MACPro.
One Medicaid and CHIP Program System (OneMAC)
OneMAC allows CMS and states to collaborate online to process Medicaid business, such as SPAs, more efficiently and effectively. Beginning February 1, 2022, paper-based submissions will be processed in OneMAC. SPAs and Waivers currently submitted through existing systems (e.g., MACPro & WMS/MMDL) will remain in those systems. OneMAC supports paper-based Medicaid SPAs, CHIP SPAs, 1915(b) waiver actions, Appendix K 1915(c) waiver amendments, state responses to formal Requests for Additional Information (RAIs) for these SPA and waiver actions, and state temporary extensions to their 1915(b) and (c) waivers. At this time, OneMAC does not support editing of submissions during the review process. States should work with their CMS Point of Contact and review team when there is a need to supply revised submissions or additional submission documents during the review process.
For OneMAC assistance, please email the help desk at or call 833-228-2540.
Medicaid Model Data Lab (MMDL)
The MMDL system allows CMS and states to collaborate online to process Children’s Health Insurance Plan (CHIP), Alternative Benefit Plan (ABP), and Medicaid Premium and Cost Sharing (MPC) SPAs. CMS and state users can also utilize MMDL to process Medicaid Payment Suspensions State Annual Report (MPS) reports and view historical Balancing Incentive Program (BIP) information. For MMDL assistance, please utilize the WMS/MMDL Contact Form, email the help desk at or call 833-228-2540.
To request access to MMDL, please submit a request via the MMDL Request Form.
For more information on fillable PDFs, see fillable PDF repository.
Apply for Changes to the State Plan:
- CHIP Eligibility (access fillable PDFs)
- Alternative Benefit Plans (access fillable PDFs)
- Medicaid Premiums and Cost Sharing (access fillable PDFs)
Reports on Medicaid program administration/implementation:
- Medicaid Payment Suspension Reporting
- (Read-only) Balancing Incentive Programs
Waiver Management System (WMS)
§1915(c) and §1915(b) Waiver Applications, and 372 Reports
Survey and Certification/Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendment (SC/CLIA) System
SC/CLIA is a web-based application administered by the CMS under the Department of Health and Human Services. The primary activity of the SC/CLIA application is to capture expenses incurred by the states for survey activities that determine whether providers meet applicable requirements for participation in the Medicare, Medicaid, and CLIA programs. Access to this system is available only to authorized state, CMS Regional Office and CMS Central Office users and requires a valid CMS user ID.
Medicaid and CHIP (MAC) Learning Collaborative
Federal and state partners establishing a robust working relationship to achieve high-performing state health coverage programs.
More information on MAC Learning Collaboratives
Environmental Scanning and Program Characteristics (ESPC) Database
The ESPC database is in a Microsoft Access database that contains Medicaid and CHIP data for the 50 states and District of Columbia.