The Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) recognizes that employment is a fundamental part of life for people with and without disabilities. Employment provides a sense of purpose, how we contribute to our community and are associated with positive physical and mental health benefits. Meaningful work is part of building a healthy lifestyle as a contributing member to society and essential to individual's economic self-sufficiency, self-esteem and well-being. All individuals, regardless of disability and age, can work and have access to pre-vocational services, education and training opportunities that build on strengths and interests. Individually tailored and preference based career planning, job development, job training, and job support recognizes each person's employability and potential contributions to the labor market.
The Medicaid Buy-In program is an optional state Medicaid benefit group for workers with disabilities who have earnings in excess of traditional Medicaid rules. Individuals with disabilities who would be ineligible for Medicaid because of earnings can work and access the services and supports they need. Ideally, it means workers with disabilities do not need to choose between healthcare and work.
CMS partners with Department of Labor (DOL)/Office of Disability Policy (ODEP) to provide resources and outreach for Leveraging State Employment First (E1st) Policy Alignment Efforts to Support Employment Outcomes of Individuals benefiting from Money Follows the Person (MFP) grant program.