CHIP State Plan Amendments
As part of a strategy to increase transparency, enhance efficiency, and reduce burden for states in the review and approval process of state plan amendments (SPA), CMS committed to providing a tool kit to assist states in the development of complete submissions, and facilitate quicker adjudication of SPA submissions. This page provides a collection of existing CHIP SPA templates for completing the templates that will be enhanced as more tools are developed.
States apply for changes to their CHIP state plan using the CHIP State Plan Template (DOCX, 206.04 KB). Persons with disabilities having problems accessing the PDF files may call 410-786-0429 for assistance.
CHIP State Program Information
In order to be eligible for payment under this statute, each State must submit a Title XXI plan for approval by the Secretary that details how the State intends to use the funds and fulfill other requirements under the law and regulations at 42 CFR Part 457.
States can design their CHIP program in one of three ways:
1. Separate CHIP: a program under which a state receives federal funding to provide child health assistance to uninsured, low-income children that meets the requirements of section 2103 of the Social Security Act.
2. Medicaid expansion CHIP: a program under which a state receives federal funding to expand Medicaid eligibility to optional targeted low-income children that meets the requirements of section 2103 of the Social Security Act.
3. Both Separate CHIP and Medicaid expansion: a program under which a state receives federal funding to implement both a Medicaid expansion and a separate CHIP.
CHIP Program by State (PDF, 350.84 KB) has more information about how each state has implemented its program.
To see CHIP information by state, select a state on the map to find details about enrollment and dental providers. Click here for the CHIP Annual Reports.
Transmittal Number: ID-25-0002
This SPA provides Idaho with approval to provide 12 months of continuous postpartum coverage to individuals enrolled in its CHIP program.
- Benefits
- Eligibility
- Medicaid and CHIP Program (MACPro)
Transmittal Number: IA-24-0014
This SPA provides Iowa with approval to provide 12 months of continuous postpartum coverage to individuals enrolled in its CHIP program.
- Benefits
- Eligibility
- Medicaid and CHIP Program (MACPro)
Transmittal Number: SD-24-0015
Through this SPA, the state eliminates the CHIP waiting period, consistent with requirements of 42 CFR § 457.805(b).
- Eligibility
Transmittal Number: NV-24-0026 and NV-24-0027
Through these SPAs, the state amends its CHIP state plan to demonstrate that the state no longer disenrolls children from coverage due to non-payment of premiums during the continuous eligibility period and removes the state’s premium lock out period.
- Cost Sharing
Transmittal Number: TN-24-0001-DRAL
This letter reactivates Tennessee's approved Evergreen Disaster Relief State Plan Amendment.
- Disaster Relief
Transmittal Number: IN-23-0016
Through this SPA, the state provides 12 months of continuous eligibility (CE) coverage to individuals enrolled in its separate CHIP, pursuant to section 5112 of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023 (CAA, 2023). Additionally, through this SPA, the state confirms the state will not disenroll children from coverage due to late premium payments during the CE period but will disenroll children from coverage if the premiums remain unpaid at the end of the CE period.
- Eligibility
Transmittal Number: WI-24-0013
Through this SPA, the state confirms they no longer disenroll children from coverage due to non-payment of premiums during or at the end of a continuous eligibility period and removes its premium lock-out period.
- Eligibility
Transmittal Number: MO-24-0023
Through this SPA, Missouri will accept CHIP eligibility determinations made by the Federally Facilitated Exchange (FFE), pursuant to section 2107(e)(1)(U) of the Social Security Act and 42 CFR 457.348, which requires states to have procedures in place for enrollment simplification and coordination with Exchanges and Medicaid.
- Eligibility
- Program Administration
Transmittal Number: AR-24-0016
Through this SPA, the state transitions their delivery system for dental benefits from the Healthy Smiles managed care program to the fee-for-service system administered by the Division of Medical Services.
- Delivery System
Transmittal Number: OK-24-0018
This amendment implements a health services initiative (HSI) to support the Oklahoma Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Access Program (OKCAPMAP).
- Health Services Initiatives