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IAP CMS Commentary

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Katherine Griffith, Senior Advisor, Medicaid IAP and Karen LLanos, Director, Medicaid IAP

Over the past 12 months, the Medicaid Innovation Accelerator Program (IAP) has worked directly with 15 states and has reached over 40 states through its national, virtual learning opportunities. However, in many ways IAP’s work with states is just beginning in its four program areas: Reducing...

Fran Griffin, Senior Advisor, CMMI and Medicaid IAP Performance Improvement Lead, Katherine Griffith, Senior Advisor, Medicaid IAP and Karen LLanos, Director, Medicaid IAP

Happy New Year! As mentioned in last month’s commentary , we at the Medicaid Innovation Accelerator Program (IAP) are very excited for what the IAP has in store this year. With all of our program areas almost up and running with selected states, we are now equally focused on supporting...

Juliet Feldman and Mike Smith

We are excited to share with you news about two new initiatives that launched in October and let you know about a kick-off discussion on physical/mental health integration scheduled for December 8th.  

Stephen Cha, MD, Chief Medical Officer, Center for Medicaid and CHIP Services

We had a great in-person meeting on Monday in Baltimore with over 25 representatives from states joining us in the morning and an equal number of consumer advocates and providers for the afternoon session. We were thrilled with the thoughtful discussion and helpful feedback. As we hoped, these...

Stephen Cha, MD, Chief Medical Officer, Center for Medicaid and CHIP Services

This week, we are hosting the first in a series of in-person meetings across the country to begin the conversation about our Medicaid Innovation Accelerator Program (IAP), a new initiative that we are launching in partnership with the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation. We launched...

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