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IAP CMS Commentary

Showing 11 to 15 of 15 results

Karen LLanos, Director, Medicaid IAP

This month’s commentary is focused on sharing information about the new states we have recently begun working with and to remind states about our upcoming informational webinar for Medicaid agencies interested in promoting community integration in long-term services and supports...

Karen LLanos, Director, Medicaid IAP

The three program priority areas that we announced at the end of 2014, in addition to substance use disorder, are taking root. IAP provides states with targeted program support, tools, and technical resources for: (1) Medicaid beneficiaries with complex needs and high costs; (2) community...

Karen LLanos, Director, Medicaid IAP

The IAP has gotten off to an enthusiastic start. The message from states, supporting Substance Use Disorders (SUD) as the first program area, was loud and clear. We received letters of interest from 26 states eager to participate. We couldn’t be more pleased and have engaged each of these 26...

Stephen Cha, MD, Chief Medical Officer, Center for Medicaid and CHIP Services

We had a great in-person meeting on Monday in Baltimore with over 25 representatives from states joining us in the morning and an equal number of consumer advocates and providers for the afternoon session. We were thrilled with the thoughtful discussion and helpful feedback. As we hoped, these...

Stephen Cha, MD, Chief Medical Officer, Center for Medicaid and CHIP Services

This week, we are hosting the first in a series of in-person meetings across the country to begin the conversation about our Medicaid Innovation Accelerator Program (IAP), a new initiative that we are launching in partnership with the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation. We launched...

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