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IAP CMS Commentary

Showing 1 to 3 of 3 results

Wendy Alexander, Technical Director, Medicare-Medicaid Coordination Office and Karen LLanos, Director, Medicaid IAP

When we held our 2014 IAP listening sessions to identify possible areas of technical support for states, we heard repeatedly from Medicaid agencies that targeted technical support with getting access to and integrating Medicare-Medicaid data was greatly needed. At CMS, the Medicare-Medicaid...

Melanie Brown, IAP CI-LTSS Lead and Technical Director, Division of Community Systems Transformation, Disabled and Elderly Health Programs Group, CMCS

In April, we began working on the Incentivizing Quality and Outcomes component of IAP’s Community Integration through Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS) program area. We will use IAP to increase states’ understanding of how to use incentives to improve the quality of care and...

Cindy Mann, JD, CMS Deputy Administrator and Director, Center for Medicaid and CHIP Services

We were so pleased with the turnout and lively discussion at our series of in-person meetings where states and stakeholders shared their feedback on our new Medicaid Innovation Accelerator Program. It was great to see so many state colleagues in person and we were pleased with the high level of...

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