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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions are used to provide additional information and/or statutory guidance not found in State Medicaid Director Letters, State Health Official Letters, or CMCS Informational Bulletins. The different sets of FAQs as originally released can be accessed below.

Showing 1 to 10 of 21 results

Which are the Managed Long Term Services and Supports (MLTSS) assessment and care planning measures?

The MLTSS assessment and care planning measures include:

  • LTSS Comprehensive Assessment and Update
  • LTSS Comprehensive Care Plan and Update
  • LTSS Shared Care Plan with Primary Care Practitioner(PCP)
  • LTSS Reassessment/Care Plan Update after Inpatient Discharge
  • Screening, Risk Assessment, and Plan of Care to Prevent Future Falls: Falls Part 1 (Screening) and Falls Part 2 (Risk Assessment and Plan of Care)

FAQ ID:89066


Should states require plans to report both the core and supplemental rates for the Managed Long Term Services and Supports (MLTSS) LTSS Comprehensive Assessment and Update, LTSS Comprehensive Care Plan and Update measures, and LTSS Reassessment/Care Plan Update After Inpatient Discharge measures?

It is recommended that MLTSS plans report both rates. However, if the state believes there are valid reasons for not reporting both rates, such as costly changes in assessment and care planning forms and information technology systems, it might consider phasing in the supplemental rates over time. For instance, in the first year of measure use (for example, measurement year 2018), the state could require MLTSS plans to report just the core rate, and then require that MLTSS plans report both core and supplemental rates for measurement year 2019 or 2020. Although they are called "supplemental rates," they are still very important, and should be viewed as "aspirational." MLTSS plans should strive to cover more assessment and care plan elements over time.

FAQ ID:89071


Do I need value sets to calculate any of the five the Managed Long Term Services and Supports (MLTSS) assessment and care planning measures? If so, where can I find the value sets?

Value sets are the complete set of procedure and diagnostic codes used to identify a service or condition included in a measure. One of the assessment and care planning measures—LTSS Reassessment/Care Plan Update after Inpatient Discharge—uses value sets to identify potentially planned hospitalizations. Please see "Do I need to use value sets to calculate these measures? If so, where can I find the value sets?" for more information regarding using value sets for the three institutional rebalancing and utilization measures.

View the value sets (XLSX, 2.88 MB). Please see Table 2 in the "LTSS Value Sets to Codes" tab. Table 1 in the "LTSS Measures to Value Sets" tab shows each value set needed for each measure.

FAQ ID:89076


Can I use the same sample for the Managed Long Term Services and Supports (MLTSS) Part 1 of the Screening, Risk Assessment, and Plan of Care to Prevent Future Falls measure as the LTSS Comprehensive Assessment and Update, LTSS Comprehensive Care Plan and Update, LTSS Shared Care Plan with Primary Care Practitioner, and LTSS Reassessment/Care Plan Update after Inpatient Discharge measures?

Yes, the same sample can be used for Part 1 of the Screening, Risk Assessment, and Plan of Care to Prevent Future Falls measure as the LTSS Comprehensive Assessment and Update, LTSS Comprehensive Care Plan and Update, and LTSS Shared Care Plan with Primary Care Practitioner measures.

FAQ ID:89081


What is the Precertification Pilot?

The Precertification Pilot was an experiment conducted from October 2017-March 2018 designed to streamline certification and attract new vendors. Unfortunately, the pilot was found to be unscalable across Medicaid. However, key learnings from the pilot will be incorporated into current processes and future experiments around vendor engagement, certification, scalability, and sustainability. The goals the Centers from Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) identified at the beginning of the Precertification Pilot process remain the same: reduce the level of effort of certification; shorten the certification timeline; promote modularity and interoperability; reduce risk of system failure; and attract new vendors to the Medicaid IT market. Contact CMS with your ideas for experiments to achieve those goals at MES@cms.hhs.gov.

FAQ ID:95151


Is IV&V required during operations and maintenance (O&M) for MMIS?

As contained in the MECT standard RFP/contract language required by CMS, CMS does not cover activities that the state may require of the IV&V contractor during ongoing O&M. However, as Medicaid is moving away from monolithic single applications, it is expected that states will continuously update and replace modules in their enterprise. Therefore, IV&V should always have a role to ensure successful integration and testing.

FAQ ID:94881


What would preclude a company from being eligible to bid on the MMIS or E&E IV&V contract(s)?

If an organization is performing another role (such as systems integrator, PMO, quality assurance, etc.) on the MMIS or E&E project, it may not perform the IV&V function on the same project. A state may contract the same vendor to perform the IV&V role for both its E&E and MMIS projects.

FAQ ID:94886


Why does the IV&V contractor need to sit outside the Medicaid agency?

To reduce potential conflict of interest, CMS is ensuring that states are arranging IV&V services through contracts that should be owned outside of the agency that owns the MMIS or E&E project. The oversight organization for the IV&V contractor should not be involved in oversight of the development effort, a stakeholder in the business implementation, or the DDI contractor. The IV&V contract monitor should be aware of system development problem solving, reporting, and contractor management. This contract oversight provides true independence between the IV&V contractor and system development teams. This requirement is consistent with other HHS agencies' practices and industry best practices.

FAQ ID:94891


If a state is reusing an MMIS system or module already certified in another state do they need to go through certification review and decision?

CMS encourages states to reuse modular solutions as much as possible. If a state can reuse a modular solution from another state with minimal changes or customization, CMS will work with the state to streamline the certification process as much as possible to leverage knowledge of the reused solution. However, CMS will still require a certification decision for each state implementation of reused solutions to ensure compliance with federal regulations.

FAQ ID:94896


Which of the checklist paths (MITA, Module, Custom) described in the MECT are best for a state implementing a services-type solution?

All the criteria in the checklists (MITA, MMIS or Custom) are the same. The difference between checklists is the criteria organization within the checklists. If the services solution is innovative, unique, or an unconventional approach, then the custom checklist approach might be appropriate. The RO will work with the state and vendors to decide which checklist set is best suited for the state's certification. Both service and traditional-type solutions need to meet all certification criteria to ensure compliance with federal regulations.

FAQ ID:94901

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