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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions are used to provide additional information and/or statutory guidance not found in State Medicaid Director Letters, State Health Official Letters, or CMCS Informational Bulletins. The different sets of FAQs as originally released can be accessed below.

Showing 1 to 10 of 16 results

Must the Managed Long Term Services and Supports (MLTSS) LTSS Comprehensive Assessment and Update measure assessment take place in the home?

Yes, the assessment for the LTSS Comprehensive Assessment and Update measure is required to take place in the member’s home as a face-to-face discussion unless certain exceptions are met. These exceptions include circumstances in which:

  • The member was offered an in-home assessment and refused the in-home assessment (either refused to allow the care manager into the home or requested a telephone assessment instead of an in-home assessment).
  • The member is residing in an acute or post-acute care facility (hospital, skilled nursing facility, other post-acute care facility) during the assessment time period.
  • The state policy, regulation, or other state guidance excludes the member from a requirement for in-home assessment.

FAQ ID:89086


What if a Managed Long Term Services and Supports (MLTSS) member refuses an LTSS Comprehensive Assessment and Update measure assessment?

There must be documentation of the refusal, which would result in exclusion from the measure. The rate of exclusion due to a member refusing to participate should also be reported along with the measure performance rate.

FAQ ID:89101


What if a Managed Long Term Services and Supports (MLTSS) member could not be reached for an LTSS Comprehensive Assessment and Update measure assessment?

There must be documentation that at least three attempts were made to reach the member, and that the member could not be reached, which would result in exclusion from the measure. The rate of exclusion due to inability to reach a member should also be reported along with the measure performance rate.

FAQ ID:89106


Are there exclusions for the Long Term Services and Supports Admission to an Institution from the Community measure's eligible population (denominator)?

No. However, when identifying the measure’s denominator from the eligible population, there are a few cases in which you should not include member months. For example, do not include months when the plan member was residing in an institutional facility for the entire month (that is, there were no days in the month spent residing in the community). If a member died, do not include the month during which the member died and any subsequent months of enrollment in the measure’s denominator.

FAQ ID:91116


Are there exclusions for the Long Term Services and Supports Admission to an Institution from the Community measure's numerator?

When calculating the measure’s numerator (number of admissions to an institution), do not include admissions that are direct transfers from another institution, admissions from the hospital that originated from an institution, or admissions for individuals who do not meet the continuous enrollment criteria. If the member’s admission resulted in death in the institution or death within one day of discharge from the institution, do not include the admission in the numerator.

FAQ ID:91121


Can the community residence include assisted living?

Yes, people admitted to an institution who were residing in the community prior to their admission may include those residing in assisted living, adult foster care, or another setting that is not defined as an institution.

FAQ ID:91131


Is the Long Term Services and Supports Admission to an Institution from the Community measure risk-adjusted?

Yes, this measure is risk-adjusted, using risk stratification by age. Results are reported separately for four age groups (18-64, 65-74, 75-84, 85 and older) for each of the length of stay classifications (short-term stay, medium-term stay, and long-term stay).

FAQ ID:91136


How should a state that has a section 1915(c) home and community-based services waiver that is limited to EPSDT-age individuals but includes services related to Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) that are now available through the state plan respond to this policy clarification?

The ASD-related services should be provided through the Medicaid state plan for the EPSDT-eligible individuals, rather than the 1915(c) waiver. CMS will work with states to ensure that such services are able to be made available under the state plan. Accordingly, CMS with also work with states to remove the service from the 1915(c) home and community-based services waiver at the next amendment or renewal, whichever comes first.

Supplemental Links:

FAQ ID:93206


Has CMS mandated Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) services for children under 21 with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)?

No. Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is one treatment modality for ASD. CMS is not endorsing or requiring any particular treatment modality for ASD. State Medicaid agencies are responsible for determining what services are medically necessary for eligible individuals. States are expected to adhere to long-standing EPSDT obligations for individuals from birth to age 21, including providing medically necessary services available for the treatment of ASD.

Supplemental Links:

FAQ ID:93211


When will CMS begin to assess state compliance with coverage requirements for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)?

There is no specific time frame for CMS review of state practices in this area. The CMCS Informational Bulletin released July 7, 2014 (see http://www.medicaid.gov/Federal-PolicyGuidance/Downloads/CIB-07-07-14.pdf (PDF, 143.2 KB)), related to Autism Spectrum Disorder discusses the obligations under the Medicaid statute and regulations that are already in effect. However, CMS recognizes that states may not have focused on the application of these requirements in this area. As a result, a state may need time to review its current program policies to determine if changes are needed to existing state regulations and/or policy to ensure compliance. States may also want to confer with the stakeholder community for public input on the benefit design of autism services for children. CMS believes states should complete this work expeditiously and should not delay or deny provision of medically necessary services. CMS is available to provide technical assistance to states to ensure the availability of services that children may need.

Supplemental Links:

FAQ ID:93221

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