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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions are used to provide additional information and/or statutory guidance not found in State Medicaid Director Letters, State Health Official Letters, or CMCS Informational Bulletins. The different sets of FAQs as originally released can be accessed below.

Showing 1 to 10 of 28 results

Should the rate of required exclusions be reported with the Screening, Risk Assessment, and Plan of Care to Prevent Future Falls measure's Part 1 performance rate?

The measure excludes plan members who are not ambulatory from the measure rate, but it is not necessary to report the number of members excluded with the measure’s performance rate.

FAQ ID:89006


Is a specific screening tool required for the Screening, Risk Assessment, and Plan of Care to Prevent Future Falls measure?

No, a specific screening tool is not required for this measure. However, potential screening tools may include the Morse Fall Scale and timed Get-Up-And-Go test.

FAQ ID:89011


What is the difference between a screening (Part 1) and a risk assessment (Part 2) for the purposes of calculating the Screening, Risk Assessment, and Plan of Care to Prevent Future Falls measure?

A falls screening is an evaluation of whether a Managed Long Term Services and Supports plan member has experienced a history of falls and/or problems with balance or gait. A falls risk assessment includes a balance/gait assessment and one other assessment component and should only be performed for members with a documented history of falls (at least two falls or one fall with injury in the past year).

FAQ ID:89016


Are states required to use the Outpatient Hospital Serves (OPH) Upper Payment Limit (UPL) template to demonstrate the clinical diagnostic laboratory (CDL) services UPL?

No, the template does not include variables to report clinical diagnostic laboratory services.

FAQ ID:92371


Can states that pay for inpatient hospital services using Diagnosis Related Grous (DRGs), but historically used a cost-based UPL, continue to use the cost-based Upper Payment Limit (UPL) method?

Yes, states may use UPL methodologies that are different from their payment methodologies. For example, a state may pay for inpatient hospital services using a Medicaid APR-DRG methodology, but use a cost methodology to compute the Medicare upper payment limit for its UPL demonstration.

FAQ ID:92386


How should a state report Upper Payment Limit (UPL) data for out of state providers?

The UPL data for out of state providers does not need to be included in the UPL demonstration. If the state has provider level data then it may include it in the demonstration within the private ownership category of providers.

FAQ ID:92426


What Dataset Views are available for the State Drug Utilization Data (SDUD)?

Per the state drug utilization data table, the "Dataset Views" dropdown selections available are:

  • State: State-specific data at the NDC-11 level, for a quarter/year.
  • Full Dataset (States + National Totals): A compilation of all the individual state utilization data (50 states plus Washington D.C.) and the National Totals at the NDC-11 level, for a selected year.
  • All States: Includes data for all states but does not include the National Totals
  • National Totals: Data are aggregated for all 50 states and Washington, D.C. at the NDC-11 level, for a quarter/year.

Since all of the states are combined in the National Totals, the state abbreviation will show on the "Annual State Detail" with a state abbreviation of "XX".

Users can also generate his or her own views of the dataset on data.medicaid.gov.

FAQ ID:91786


Why am I unable to see all of the data in the dataset/view?

You are likely running into a limitation of the program you are trying to use to analyze the data. Microsoft Excel allows 1,048,576 rows of data and many of our datasets exceed this limit.

We recommend users not use Excel for large datasets but instead use another application that can work with datasets of large size (e.g. Microsoft Access).

FAQ ID:91801


Why is there a State column labeled XX when viewed as National Totals in the State Drug Utilization Data (SDUD)?

Since all of the states are combined in the National Totals, the state abbreviation will show on the "National Totals" and "Annual State Detail" option as "XX".

See Also:

FAQ ID:91811


Why does some State Drug Utilization Data (SDUD) have an asterisk?

As CMS is obligated by the Federal Privacy Act, 5 U.S.C. Section 552a and the HIPAA Privacy Rule, 45 C.F.R Parts 160 and 164, to protect the privacy of individual beneficiaries and other persons, all direct identifiers have been removed and data that are less than eleven (11) counts are suppressed. An asterisk (*) notes suppressed data. CMS applies counter or secondary suppression in cases where only one prescription is suppressed for primary reasons, e.g. one prescription in a state. Also, if one sub-group (e.g. number of prescription) is suppressed, then the other sub-group is suppressed.

See Also:

FAQ ID:91831

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