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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions are used to provide additional information and/or statutory guidance not found in State Medicaid Director Letters, State Health Official Letters, or CMCS Informational Bulletins. The different sets of FAQs as originally released can be accessed below.

Showing 1 to 10 of 37 results

What is the Precertification Pilot?

The Precertification Pilot was an experiment conducted from October 2017-March 2018 designed to streamline certification and attract new vendors. Unfortunately, the pilot was found to be unscalable across Medicaid. However, key learnings from the pilot will be incorporated into current processes and future experiments around vendor engagement, certification, scalability, and sustainability. The goals the Centers from Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) identified at the beginning of the Precertification Pilot process remain the same: reduce the level of effort of certification; shorten the certification timeline; promote modularity and interoperability; reduce risk of system failure; and attract new vendors to the Medicaid IT market. Contact CMS with your ideas for experiments to achieve those goals at MES@cms.hhs.gov.

FAQ ID:95151


Under CMS 2370-F, may states continue to use discounted reimbursement rates for out-of-state or out-of-network eligible primary care providers, which may be less than the Medicare rate, for calendar years (CYs) 2013 and 2014?

CMS acknowledges the customary practice of reimbursing out-of-state or out-of-network providers at a base rate minus a defined percentage. The applicable Medicare rate effectively becomes the ‘floor’ for payments to eligible providers for eligible services rendered in CYs 2013 and 2014. Health plans may pay above that rate but not below.

Supplemental Links:

FAQ ID:92131


Under CMS 2370-F, CMS has indicated that the CMS-64 will be modified for states to report the expenditures that will receive the 100 percent federal medical assistance percentage (FMAP) for the increased expenditures for primary care services. Will the CMS-21 also be modified to report these expenditures for the CHIP Medicaid Expansion population?

No. The only expenditures that count against the CHIP allotment and must be reported on the CMS-21 are those related to the Medicaid rate in effect on July 1, 2009. The difference between those rates and the 2013 and 2014 Medicare rates eligible for 100 percent FMAP are Medicaid expenditures and are reported on the CMS 64.9.

Supplemental Links:

FAQ ID:92116


Do allergists qualify for higher Medicaid payment under the CMS 2370-F rule?

CMS recently received information from the American Board of Medical Specialties attesting that the American Board of Allergy and Immunology (ABAI) is an ABMS-recognized sub-discipline of the American Board of Pediatrics and the American Board of Internal Medicine.

Specifically, the ABAI is a conjoint board of the American Board of Pediatrics (ABP) and the American Board of Internal medicine (ABIM). All physicians certified by the Board of Allergy and Immunology must first be board certified by either ABP or ABAI. Medical specialists certified by the Allergy and Immunology Board remain subspecialists of Internal Medicine and Pediatrics. However, it is possible that some holders of a certificate from ABAI will not have a current certificate in Internal Medicine or Pediatrics because some diplomats of the ABP and ABIM who hold subspecialty certificates are not required to maintain their primary certificates. The ABMS was concerned that these diplomats might be excluded from eligibility for higher payment under a strict interpretation of the rule even though they do act as their patients' primary care provider in many cases and urged that CMS formally recognize that diplomats of ABAI are, in fact subspecialists in Internal Medicine and Pediatrics and eligible for higher payment up to the Medicare rate.

Based on this information, CMS agrees that allergists are eligible for higher payment under the rule.

Supplemental Links:

FAQ ID:91486


Under CMS 2370-F, may states continue to use discounted reimbursement rates for out-of-state or out-of-network eligible primary care providers, which may be less than the Medicare rate, for calendar years (CYs) 2013 and 2014?

CMS acknowledges the customary practice of reimbursing out-of-state or out-of-network providers at a base rate minus a defined percentage. The applicable Medicare rate effectively becomes the'floor' for payments to eligible providers for eligible services rendered in CYs 2013 and 2014. Health plans may pay above that rate but not below.

Supplemental Links:

FAQ ID:91446


May states delegate the self-attestation process to their contracted managed care plans under CMS 2370-F rule?

Yes. A state may elect to delegate the self-attestation process to its contracting health plans under the following circumstances:

  1. Each managed care plan has signed documentation on file (provider contract or credentialing application) from the eligible provider attesting to the fact that he or she has a covered specialty or subspecialty designation. This addresses step one of the two-step self-attestation process specified in the rule.
  2. The managed care plan has verification of the provider’s appropriate board certification (as part of the credentialing and re-credentialing process). This addresses one option of the second step in the self-attestation process.
  3. Should board certification in the eligible specialty not be able to be verified by the managed care plan, the eligible provider must provide a specific attestation to the managed care plan that 60 percent of their Medicaid claims for the prior year were for the Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) codes specified in the regulation. This addresses a second option for the second step in the self-attestation process.
  4.  Such delegation is included in the contract amendment that is otherwise being filed to implement this provision.
Supplemental Links:

FAQ ID:91456


How do I withdraw a submission package?

A State may withdraw a submission package once it has been submitted to CMS. Withdrawing a submission package takes it out of contention and the submission package cannot be edited or resubmitted. Log in as State Point of Contact, and select the "Records" tab. Then select "Submission Packages" for your State. Next, select the link to the submission package you wish to withdraw. In the left panel, select "Related Actions". Next, select "Withdraw Submission Package". Then select the green button labeled "Withdraw Submission Package". A box will pop up, select "Yes". Once the submission package is withdrawn, you will be redirected to the Records screen. A yellow notification will appear briefly at the top of the page indicating "Action Completed Successfully".

FAQ ID:92891


How do I allow CMS to view my submission package prior to submitting?

After the State Editor has forwarded the submission package to the State Point of Contact for Reviewing, the State Point of contact should log into MACPro. Then go to the "Records" tab and select "Submission Packages" for your state. Select the submission package you wish for CMS to view. In the left panel, select "Related Actions". Next, select "Allow CMS to View Screen". On the Allow CMS to View Screen page, select "Yes" under Visibility Setting, and then select the green "Update Visibility" button in the bottom right corner.

Note: Selecting this option will permit the CMS review team to see the screens in this submission package as they are now. It does not cause the package to be submitted as Draft or Official, and does not start a CMS review clock. Validation of the screens is not required. Notify your CMS contact that viewing is available and who you wish to see it; MACPro does not notify CMS staff. You can deselect this option at any time.

FAQ ID:92896


What functions can my role perform?

Refer to the table below.

Role Actions
State Editor (SE)
  • Responsible for creating SPA submission packages
State Point of Contact (SPOC)
  • Responsible for reviewing and submitting the SPA submission package to CMS
  • Responds to Requests for Additional Information (RAIs) from CMS
  • Documents and reviews Correspondence Log
State Director (State Director)
  • Reviews and certifies SPA submission packages
State System Administrator (SSA)
  • Creates/maintains State Profile

FAQ ID:92901


How do I assign a SPA ID?

The SPA ID is assigned by the State Editor and entered in a field in Official Submission packages. The SPA ID (SS-YY-NNNN-xxxx) is assigned by the State in Official Submission Packages and consists of the State abbreviation (SS), they year (YY), a four character sequence number (NNNN), and an optional four character alpha and numeric (xxxx).

FAQ ID:92906

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