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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions are used to provide additional information and/or statutory guidance not found in State Medicaid Director Letters, State Health Official Letters, or CMCS Informational Bulletins. The different sets of FAQs as originally released can be accessed below.

Showing 31 to 40 of 56 results

Could you please confirm that manufacturers must use the alternative methodology in their Unit Rebate Amount (URA) calculations for quarters beginning January 1, 2010 for line extension drugs that were on the market as of that date, regardless of the approval date? For manufacturers of such drugs that have been waiting for the final rule before adjusting their rebates back to 1Q 2010, will CMS set up any special process for these retroactive rebate adjustments?

The statutory line extension provisions went into effect on January 1, 2010. It is the manufacturers' responsibility to identify their line extension drugs, calculate rebates, and pay the states consistent with the statute as of this effective date, regardless of the approval date of the drugs.

The line extension provisions that are finalized in the final rule with comment are effective prospectively as of April 1, 2016. CMS will not be setting up any special process for retroactive rebate calculations for line extension drugs; therefore, manufacturers of line extension drugs should ensure that all rebates for line extension drugs are calculated and paid appropriately to states as of January 1, 2010.

Supplemental Links:

FAQ ID:94826


When calculating the alternative rebate for a line extension drug, must the labeler consider the highest additional rebate ratio ever incurred for an initial drug, or is the highest additional rebate ratio determined by the ratio for the current quarter only?

Effective April 1, 2016, each quarter, the labeler of the line extension drug should determine the initial brand name listed drug for its line extension drug taking into consideration which active initial drug has the highest additional rebate ratio for that quarter. Additionally, the labeler of the line extension drug needs to ensure that the NDC of the initial drug with the highest additional rebate ratio is updated in the Drug Data Reporting for Medicaid (DDR) system, as appropriate, each quarter.

Supplemental Links:

FAQ ID:94831


Can you confirm that manufacturers of extended release formulations will have to calculate the alternative line extension AMP starting April 1, 2016, since extended release formulations are specifically mentioned in the statutory language that established the alternative line extension formula?

The requirements of the line extension provision of the final rule are effective as of the effective date of the final rule (April 1, 2016).

Supplemental Links:

FAQ ID:94836


For the Affordable Care Act (ACA) Base Date AMP, does the recalculation only go back to 2Q 2016 or would it go back further due to the length of time it has taken for the Final Rule to be published?

A manufacturer's recalculation of its ACA Base Date AMP value can be reported any time during the four quarters allowable period per the final rule with comment beginning 2Q 2016.

Supplemental Links:

FAQ ID:94841


When computing monthly AMP, should manufacturers be calculating all the calculation components at the NDC-9 or just the smoothing components?

In accordance with regulations at 42 CFR 447.510(d)(2), monthly AMP is calculated based on a weighted average of prices for all the manufacturer's package sizes (NDC 11) of each covered outpatient drug sold by the manufacturer during a month. It is calculated as the net sales divided by the number of units sold, excluding goods or any other items specifically excluded in statute or regulation. In accordance with the requirements of 42 CFR 447.510(d)(2)(iii) the smoothing of lagged price concessions occurs at the NDC-9 level as part of the monthly AMP calculation.

Supplemental Links:

FAQ ID:94846


If a manufacturer has a negative monthly AMP, should they use the most recent valid monthly AMP in the quarterly calculation?

CMS has previously provided guidance regarding the reporting of zero or negative AMP in Manufacturer Release #80 (January 5, 2010) in which we specify that if a calculated monthly AMP is zero or negative, we recommend that manufacturers report the most recent prior month's positive AMP. However, the actual calculated monthly AMP should be used to calculate the quarterly AMP. If the quarterly AMP is zero or negative, we recommend that manufacturers report the most recent positive AMP value. Please see Manufacturer Release #80: https://www.medicaid.gov/Medicaid-CHIP-Program-Information/ByTopics/Benefits/Prescription-Drugs/Downloads/Rx-Releases/MFR-Releases/mfr-rel-080.pdf. (PDF, 127.6 KB)

Supplemental Links:

FAQ ID:94851


If a manufacturer is currently not selling to entities or providers located in Puerto Rico and the U.S. Territories, will they be required to sell covered outpatient drugs to the U.S. Territories going forward (April 2017)?

The final rule does not require that a drug manufacturer sell its drugs to certain purchasers.

Supplemental Links:

FAQ ID:94856


For smoothing of lagged price concessions and inclusion of sales from the U.S. Territories, should a manufacturer include the sales from the U.S. Territories in the 12 months of data for smoothing as of April 1, 2017 (going back to May 2016), or should they only include it in the smoothing only as of April 1, 2017 and prospectively?

Given the one year delay in the effective date of the definitions of states and United States, manufacturers should begin using sales data in their smoothing process beginning with sales that occur as of April 1, 2017.

Supplemental Links:

FAQ ID:94861


How do I view approved State Plan Content with current, previous, or future effective dates?

Under the "Records" tab, select "Medicaid State Plan". Next, search for a state using the search feature in the left panel. Select the blue link for your State Plan. On the next screen you will be able to see past, current and future Health Homes Programs.

FAQ ID:92856


What main functions can my role perform?

Primary Role Definition
CMS Package Disapprover (PD)
  • Disapproves packages
  • This role is for Central Office users
Office of Strategic Operations & Regulatory Affairs (OSORA)
  • Coordinates communication for disapproval process between CMS Offices
  • Informs CMS Point of Contact and CMS Point of Contact Admin of package clearance and documentation completion
CMS Senior Management (SrMGR)
  • Evaluates recommended disposition
  • Reviews recommended disposition of disapproval and disapproval justification
CMS Package Approver (PA)
  • Approves Medicaid SPA Packages
  • Each user with this role can be associated to one Regional Office at a time or to Central Office
CMS Point of Contact Administrator (POC Admin)
  • Oversees the submission package through the CMS senior management review process for recommended disapprovals
  • Tailors disapproval notices
Subject Matter Expert (SME)
  • Provides SME input to Review Team, upon request (offline or as SRT member)
Submission Review Team (SRT)
  • Receives package review assignments
  • Provides section assessments through the Review Tool
  • Reviews and submits notes and comments for Official and Draft Submissions
  • Provides recommendations for RAI, Approval, and Disapproval
CMS Point of Contact (CPOC)
  • Oversees the review of Official and Draft Submissions
  • Maintains the composition of the review team (selects review team members within MACPro)
  • Documents and Reviews correspondence log entries
  • Reviews team feedback within the Review Tool
  • Recommends a disposition for a submission package
  • Requests clarifications and initiates a request for additional information (RAI) from the state
  • Tailors approval notice to the state
  • Sets and manages internal milestones and reminders for SRT and Sr. Managers
  • Oversees the submission package through the CMS senior management review process for recommended approvals
  • CMS users may choose to be CPOCs for specific states within their program and authority
Report Administrator (RA)
  • Views reports and submission packages on behalf of CMS Review Team Administrators (POC Admin)
Subscriber (SUB)
  • Subscribes to specific states of interest
  • CMS users may choose to be subscribers for specific states within a program and authority

FAQ ID:92861

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