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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions are used to provide additional information and/or statutory guidance not found in State Medicaid Director Letters, State Health Official Letters, or CMCS Informational Bulletins. The different sets of FAQs as originally released can be accessed below.

Showing 41 to 50 of 51 results

What is the difference between Compare Doc Report and Compare Doc?

Compare Doc Report: After the state has responded to Clarification or RAI, CMS has the ability to see what Reviewable Units have been edited within the submission package.

  • Start by logging in as the CMS Point of Contact or Submission Review Team member. Under the "Records" tab, select "Submission Packages." Select the submission package link and in the left panel, select "Compare Doc Change Report". Reviewable Units that have been edited by the state are indicated by a check mark within a green circle.

Compare Doc: While reviewing a Reviewable Unit, the CMS Point of Contact or the Submission Review Team member has access to a feature that will tell him/her exactly what fields were edited by the state during Clarification or RAI.

  • Start by logging in as the CMS Point of Contact or Submission Review Team member. Select the "Tasks" tab and then select "Review Submission Package". Select a reviewable unit link. Below the Audit Information, select "View Compare Doc". New fields will expand detailing the Field Name, Old Value, Change Type, and New Value for all edits made within the Reviewable Unit by the state. In the Change Type column, different icons will appear to detail the method that was used to edit this particular field.

FAQ ID:92986


How do I print a submission package?

  1. Select "Records" from the navigation panel at the top of the screen and then select "Submission Packages" for your state.
  2. Select the appropriate Submission Package from the Records list.
  3. Select "Reviewable Units" from the left panel. This will direct you to a screen where you can find a list of all Reviewable Units.
  4. Select a Reviewable Unit. You may then expand each field you would like to print within the Reviewable Unit by scrolling down the page and selecting the +/- button or by selecting the "View All Responses" button in the right corner if available.
  5. To print, use the browser print function. First navigate to the "File" tab. Select "Page Setup".
  6. In the "Page Setup" box, set all "Headers" and all "Footers" to empty using the drop down menus. Please note that this is a one-time step that does not have to be done for subsequent print operations.
  7. Next, use the browser print function by navigating to the "File" tab and then selecting "Print". You may also use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+P. This will print the reviewable unit data to your printer.

FAQ ID:93001


How do I create a correspondence log/ How do I update the correspondence log?

The Correspondence Log is the official record for the package. The Correspondence Log can be used as a communication tool, where CMS provides information to the state and the state can respond. Only the SPOC and the CMS Point of Contact can write in the correspondence log, but others may view the correspondence log in a package for reference.

  1. Log in to MACPro as the CMS Point of Contact.
  2. Select the "Records" tab from the upper tool bar, and then select "Submission Packages" for your state.
  3. Next, select your Package ID.
  4. You will be taken to the Summary screen of your package. Select "Related Actions" from the left panel.
  5. Next, select "Create Correspondence Log"
  6. Enter in your information and then select "Create Correspondence Log"
  7. If you should need to add an entry, follow steps 1 through 4 and then select "Add Entry to Correspondence Log".
  8. On the next screen, fill in your entry and then select "Add Entry to Correspondence Log".
  9. You may also add an entry to the correspondence log by selecting "Correspondence Log" from the left panel instead of "Related Actions" shown in Step 4. Please note that this link will only appear after you have created a correspondence log.
  10. Select "Add Entry to Correspondence" in the top right corner.
  11. Fill in your entry information and then select "Add Entry to Correspondence".

FAQ ID:93006


Does CMS MMIS certification support non-traditional claims processing models, such as using an Administrative Services Organization or "claims processing as a service" approach?

Yes. The certification checklist defines a set of business and technical requirements that a particular Medicaid function must meet. The checklists and criteria are agnostic as to whether the requirements are met by a system built within the Medicaid Agency, a Software-as-a-Service model, a cloud-hosted model, or an ASO model.

FAQ ID:94461


Is MITA considered during milestone reviews?

Yes, our milestone review process is fully aligned with MITA. During each milestone review, CMS will verify that the state has considered MITA maturity during system definition, and whether the state is actively moving toward higher MITA maturity as defined in the state's latest MITA State Self-Assessment. Please see 42 CFR 433.112 (b)(11).

FAQ ID:94476


I am a vendor not currently in the Medicaid space, but interested in learning more about opportunities for MMIS and/or E&E modular solutions. Whom can I contact for more information?

CMS is looking for new innovators in the Medicaid IT space. Please direct inquiries to: mmis_mes_certification@cms.hhs.gov.

FAQ ID:94416


I am an existing MMIS vendor under contract with a state. Who do I contact with questions about the new certification process?

Please work with your state representatives, so that they can contact CMS regional offices for quick assistance with your questions. In addition, please review other FAQs related to this topic.

FAQ ID:94431


What is the benefit for a state to have milestone reviews with CMS?

Milestone reviews have proven to reduce risk by having earlier discussions where CMS can identify opportunities for efficiencies, facilitate collaboration with other states, and share other ideas that can save time, money, and effort. Identifying issues and opportunities earlier in the process will allow for a much greater impact than was experienced under the old process.

FAQ ID:93976


We are procuring a COTS solution. This prevents us from providing some of the technical evidence requested in the certification checklists. Will this pose a problem?

CMS encourages the use of COTS solutions where possible, and the milestone review process supports certification of COTS products. The review criteria are intended to be tailorable to support different solutions, including COTS. In this case, the technical criteria in the checklists that do not apply to COTS may be marked ""Not Applicable"" with an explanation as to why they do not apply.

FAQ ID:93986


How many certification reviews will each state go through with CMS?

It depends. We consider various factors. If a state is developing a complete MMIS solution with one release date, then there will be three reviews: Project Initiation Review, Operational Milestone Review, and MMIS Certification Final Review. If a state has multiple release dates with a modular or agile approach, the state would have one set of three certification reviews with CMS for each module the state would like CMS to certify. Each state will start its certification effort by having an initial consultation with CMS to determine how CMS can schedule milestone reviews that fit with the state's plan.

FAQ ID:94011

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