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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions are used to provide additional information and/or statutory guidance not found in State Medicaid Director Letters, State Health Official Letters, or CMCS Informational Bulletins. The different sets of FAQs as originally released can be accessed below.

Showing 41 to 46 of 46 results

Under CMS 2370-F, if a physician is board certified in a non-eligible specialty (for example dermatology) but practices within the community as for, example, a family practitioner and attests to meeting the 60 percent claims threshold, are we expected to audit his or her practice and, if so, how? May we be specific about our audit requirements in the state plan?

Since the only evidence of eligibility is the self-attestation and claims history, the state would need to take steps to verify the practice characteristics of the physician. This could be done by determining that the physician represents himself in the community as a family practitioner, as evidenced by medical directory listings, billings to other insurers, advertisements, etc.

While we have no objection to the addition of this information to the state plan amendment (SPA), we believe it is more important that the state make providers aware of the audit procedures and requirements as part of the enrollment process.

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FAQ ID:93891


Under CMS 2370-F, there are several codes for which there are relative value units (RVUs), but a rate does not calculate for the non-facility setting. For example, 99217-99221 (observation codes) only have a facility fee. If the state is electing the option of paying the non-facility fee, should it use the facility fee or is there an alternative method for calculation?

When there are RVUs for just one site of service the state should use those RVUs. There is no alternate method for calculation.

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FAQ ID:93896


In our state, the Medicaid agency instructs Rural Health Centers (RHCs) to bill the Medicaid agency for the administration of a Vaccines for Children Program (VFC) immunization by using the provider's individual provider number for each immunization administration and the RHC/Medicaid group number for payment to the RHC for other medical services. Under the CMS 2370-F rule, do RHC's not qualify for enhanced payments on E&M codes billed with the RHC Medicaid facility provider number, but the individual providers do qualify for enhanced payment on VFC administration? Given that my state also requires RHCs to bill for E&M hospital codes such as 99221 or 99223 by using the individual treating provider's number, shouldn't the individual providers be "qualifying" providers for the purpose of enhanced payments for these hospital codes?

Providers such as RHCs and Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) are reimbursed on the basis of an all-inclusive rate under their own Medicaid benefit categories. As specified in the final regulation, only services provided under the physician benefit and billed using a physician fee schedule are eligible for higher payment. In your examples, since the state reimburses the vaccine administration and the hospital codes on a fee-for-service basis and does not pay then all-inclusive rate, those services would be eligible for higher payment if the physician who provides them properly self attests to eligibility. However, services provided by the physician that are reimbursed through the all-inclusive rate would not be eligible.

Supplemental Links:

FAQ ID:93901


Under CMS 2370-F, we interpret 42 CFR 447.205 to not require public notice of a state's implementation of section 1202 of the ACA because "the change is being made to conform to Medicare methods or levels of reimbursement". Does CMS interpret this regulation differently?

CMS agrees that 42 CFR 447.205(b)(1) excepts states from the public notice requirements when a change is being made to conform to Medicare reimbursement. However, states must still ensure that providers are properly notified of the requirements for self-attestation and higher payment through provider bulletins or other mechanisms.

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FAQ ID:93906


Under CMS 2370-F, are the services of "physician extenders" (defined as physicians who provide services in support of eligible physicians) eligible for higher payment when an eligible primary care specialist bills for their services? Examples of "physician extenders" include neurologists, OB/GYNs, pathologists, anesthesiologists and surgeons who provide services to the patients of eligible physicians.

No. The only services that qualify are those provided directly by physicians (or by non-physician practitioners that they supervise) who self-attest to an eligible primary care designation and whose attestation is supported by evidence of board certification or claims history. Physicians who do not qualify on their own merits cannot receive higher payment by having an eligible physician bill on their behalf. As previously noted, physicians must accept professional responsibility/liability for the services provided by non-physician practitioners under their supervision.

Supplemental Links:

FAQ ID:93911


Under CMS 2370-F, are eligible E&M and vaccination codes that are covered by managed care health plans but not under the Medicaid state plan eligible for reimbursement at the enhanced Medicare rate?

No. The only codes that are eligible for reimbursement at the Medicare rate as specified under the final rule are those eligible codes that are identified under the Medicaid state plan. Additional E&M or vaccination administration codes that are being “covered” by a health plan but that are not identified in the state plan cannot be reflected in the rates.

Supplemental Links:

FAQ ID:93916

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