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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions are used to provide additional information and/or statutory guidance not found in State Medicaid Director Letters, State Health Official Letters, or CMCS Informational Bulletins. The different sets of FAQs as originally released can be accessed below.

Showing 21 to 30 of 54 results

Are states that provide durable medical equipment (DME) through a managed care arrangement required to submit the reconciliation data?

Only those items provided in the Medicaid program on a fee-for-service basis are to be included in the aggregate expenditure calculation. DME reimbursed under a Medicaid managed care arrangement or a Medicaid competitive bidding contract are not subject to the federal financial participation limitation.

FAQ ID:93541


Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services is saying this durable medical equipment (DME) limit on federal financial participation is applicable only to fee for service (FFS). How about the Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) waiver programs?

If the HCBS waiver includes FFS payments for DME, the state’s expenditures for DME would be subject to the limit.

FAQ ID:93546


How can a state contact the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) for help with the federal financial participation (FFP) Limit for state expenditures for durable medical equipment (DME)? Where can a state submit statements and supporting evidence that the states are already in compliance with this DME limit on FFP based on the state using Medicare rates?

For technical assistance with the implementation efforts and assistance with determining if current state practices are below the FFP limit, please contact the Medicaid DME mailbox: MedicaidDME@cms.hhs.gov.

FAQ ID:93476


Where can states find a list of the Medicare competitive bidding areas (CBAs), including zip codes and areas of the state, and how does a state find out if it has CBAs?

States may review Medicare’s CBAs through the following website for the most up-to-date information: www.dmecompetitivebid.com. In the alternative, the Center for Medicaid and CHIP Services (CMCS) has a list of states and CBAs by state that is available upon request. We will monitor the lists and update them with any necessary Medicare changes. As of January 1, 2018, the following states and territories do not have CBAs: Alaska, Maine, Vermont, North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana, Wyoming, and all of the US territories.

FAQ ID:93481


Should the period of time covered by the Upper Payment Limit (UPL) demonstration be tied to the state's fiscal year?

No, CMS does not require any particular starting point within the fiscal year for the UPL demonstrations. This allows states the flexibility to develop UPL demonstrations that are tied to the provider payment periods described in the state plan payment methodologies for each service. For instance, if a state submits a state plan amendment to update provider payments as of October 1 of each year, the state would document that the SPA changes comply with the UPL for the period 10/1 - 9/30 of that payment year. The UPL must represent the entire payment year. Since UPL demonstrations usually rely on historic data that is projected into a payment year, this is consistent with past practices.

FAQ ID:92226


Many State demonstrations require that a transition plan to 2014 be submitted by a specified date, in many cases by July 1, 2012. Will CMS provide guidance and technical assistance before then? What specifically is required to be included in the transition plan?

CMS plans to provide technical assistance on transition plans to States through the State Operations and Technical Assistance Team (SOTA) calls and through other calls with the State. We will also be providing additional guidance about the information that should be included in the transition plans. We will consider the transition plans that need to be submitted by the due date as living documents that are open to revision, and will continue to work with States to ensure a seamless transition in 2014 for beneficiaries and States.

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FAQ ID:93021


Will CMS approve enrollment caps or periods of ineligibility in section 1115 demonstrations?

The Affordable Care Act provides significant federal support to ensure the availability of coverage to low-income adults. Enrollment caps limit enrollment in coverage on a first come, first serve basis. Periods of ineligibility delay or deny coverage for otherwise eligible individuals. These policies do not further the objectives of the Medicaid program, which is the statutory requirement for allowing section 1115 demonstrations. As such, we do not anticipate that we would authorize enrollment caps or similar policies through section 1115 demonstrations for the new adult group or similar populations.

Supplemental Links:

FAQ ID:93751


Can states that extend eligibility for adults and propose, through a section 1115 demonstration, changes to the delivery of health care services still be eligible for the increased federal match?

Demonstrations focused on changes to how health care services are delivered, such as the use of managed care, will not generally affect the state's matching rate. Please refer to our February 2013 FAQs (PDF, 135.35 KB), which provide further clarification on the two increased federal match rates: the newly eligible rate and the expansion state rate as well as the final FMAP rule published on April 2, 2013. Additionally, CMS issued two State Medicaid Director letters, on July 10, 2012, that provide guidance on how states can adopt integrated care models without the need for a section 1115 demonstration.

Supplemental Links:

FAQ ID:93756


Is Arkansas seeking a partial expansion of Medicaid, with individuals above the poverty threshold getting tax credits for private qualified health plans (QHPs) in Health Insurance Marketplaces (Exchanges) and those with income below the poverty threshold receiving Medicaid?

No. As stated in the past, the Affordable Care Act does not provide for a phased-in or partial expansion. States that wish to take advantage of the enhanced federal matching funds for newly eligible individuals must extend eligibility to 133% of the federal poverty level (FPL) by adopting the new adult group. Arkansas has initiated discussions about "premium assistance" options for Medicaid beneficiaries; partial expansion is not part of these discussions.

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FAQ ID:93836


What is Premium Assistance in Medicaid?

The Medicaid statute provides several options for states to pay premiums for adults and children to purchase coverage through private group health plans, and in some case individual plans; in most cases, the statute conditions such arrangements on a determination that they are "cost effective." Cost effective generally means that Medicaid's premium payment to private plans plus the cost of additional services and cost sharing assistance that would be required would be comparable to what it would otherwise pay for the same services. Similar provisions also apply in the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP).

Under all these arrangements, beneficiaries remain Medicaid beneficiaries and continue to be entitled to all benefits and cost-sharing protections. States must have mechanisms in place to "wrap-around" private coverage to the extent that benefits are less and cost sharing requirements are greater than those in Medicaid. In addition under the statutory options in the individual market beneficiaries must be able to choose an alternative to private insurance to receive Medicaid benefits.

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FAQ ID:93841

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