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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions are used to provide additional information and/or statutory guidance not found in State Medicaid Director Letters, State Health Official Letters, or CMCS Informational Bulletins. The different sets of FAQs as originally released can be accessed below.

Showing 71 to 80 of 130 results

Would the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) consider premium assistance demonstrations for the individual market?

Some states have expressed interest in section 1115 demonstrations to provide premium assistance for the purchase of QHPs in the Exchange. Under section 1115 of the Social Security Act, the Secretary may approve demonstration projects that she determines promote the objectives of the Medicaid program. HHS will consider approving a limited number of premium assistance demonstrations since their results would inform policy for the State Innovation Waivers that start in 2017. As with all such demonstrations, HHS will evaluate each proposal that is submitted and consider it on a case by case basis relative to this standard.

With regard to premium assistance demonstrations, HHS will consider states' ideas on cost effectiveness that include new factors introduced by the creation of Health Insurance Marketplaces and the expansion of Medicaid. For example, states may quantify savings from reduced churning (people moving between Medicaid and Exchanges as a result of fluctuating incomes) and increased competition in Marketplaces given the additional enrollees due to premium assistance. As with all demonstration proposals, the actuarial, economic, and budget justification (including budget neutrality) would need to be reviewed and, if approved, the program and budgetary impact would need to be carefully monitored and evaluated.

To ensure that the demonstrations further the objectives of the program and provide information in a timely way, HHS will only consider proposals that:

  • Provide beneficiaries with a choice of at least two qualified health plans (QHPs).
  • Make arrangements with the QHPs to provide any necessary wrap around benefits and cost sharing along with appropriate data; this would be done within the context of premium assistance, for example through a supplemental premium. This ensures that coverage is seamless, that cost sharing reductions are effectively delivered and that there is accountability for the payments made.
  • Are limited to individuals whose benefits are closely aligned with the benefits available on the Marketplace, that is, individuals in the new Medicaid adult group who must enroll in benchmark coverage and are not described in SSA 1937(a)(2)(B)(an example of a population that is described in SSA 1937(a)(2)(B) is the medically frail). Marketplace plans were not designed to offer broader benefits and could experience unexpected adverse selection due to enrollment of groups that are described in SSA 1937(a)(2)(B).
  • End no later than December 31, 2016. Starting in 2017, State Innovation Waiver authority begins which could allow a range of State-designed initiatives.

In addition, a state may increase the opportunity for a successful demonstration by choosing to target within the new adult group individuals with income between 100 and 133 percent of FPL. Medicaid allows for additional cost-sharing flexibility for populations with incomes above 100 percent of FPL; this population is more likely to be subject to churning and would be eligible for advance premium tax credits and Marketplace coverage if a state did not expand Medicaid to 133 percent of FPL.

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FAQ ID:93861


The CMS 2370-F final rule specified that states will need to recoup the enhanced payments made to non-eligible providers identified through the annual statistically valid sample. Must health plans follow the same procedure for non-eligible providers

States must require health plans to recoup erroneous payments found through the sampled pools of providers, and in some states, this sample will include both fee-for-service (FFS) and managed care providers.

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FAQ ID:93921


As we are working to implement ACA 1202, we found that we have to pay to access the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) website because use of the website for business or certification is strictly prohibited. Is CMS aware of what other states are doing? Is there some other way to access this information without paying?

The state has two options: (1) it may claim this cost as an administrative expense of the Medicaid program; or, (2) it may require physicians to provide this documentation when they self-attest.

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FAQ ID:93926


Under CMS 2370-F, may practice managers or billing staff of large group practices and health systems attest on behalf of their physicians on the basis of information on board certification in the records of the practice or health system?

If these practices and health systems maintain the types of documentation described in the previous answer, FAQ45736, with respect to managed care organizations, attestation by the group or system would be acceptable. As previously noted, a physician actually must be practicing as an internist, pediatrician or family physician in order to be eligible for higher payment. Board certification does not always equate to practice characteristics. Therefore, attestation on the basis of information on board certification alone would not suffice.

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FAQ ID:93866


Under CMS 2370-F, if a physician renders services in both the managed care and fee for service environments, must he or she self-attest to eligibility twice?

No. The attestation and eligibility are physician-specific. If a physician provides services both in a fee-for-service and managed care environment, they need only complete the process of attestation once in order to receive higher payment for all eligible services they provide. CMS expects all information on self-attestation to be fully available to the state, regardless of which party collected this information.

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FAQ ID:93871


Under CMS 2370, may physicians who practice in two (or more) states meet the 60 percent threshold based on all services provided in all states, or must they qualify on the basis of the services they provide in each state?

States have the flexibility to count eligible services provided by a physician in neighboring states in meeting the 60 percent threshold, but are not required to do so.

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FAQ ID:93876


There are at least two current procedural terminology (CPT) codes (99429 and 99499) for which there are no relative value units (RVU) and the state manually prices the services for purposes of Medicaid payment. Will CMS develop a Medicare-like rate for these codes under the CMS 2370-F rule?

These services would not be subject to the minimum payment standard set in the rule because there are no RVUs and there is no conversion factor associated with them. Therefore, a Medicare-like rate cannot be developed. The state may continue to reimburse them at the current Medicaid rate but enhanced federal financial participation (FFP) will not be available for those services.

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FAQ ID:93881


Under CMS 2370-F, if a physician self-attests to being a primary care provider and supports that attestation with evidence of appropriate board certification, must we review that physician's practice to verify that they actually practice in that manner?

No. Verification of current board certification is sufficient.

Supplemental Links:

FAQ ID:93886


Under CMS 2370-F, if a physician is board certified in a non-eligible specialty (for example dermatology) but practices within the community as for, example, a family practitioner and attests to meeting the 60 percent claims threshold, are we expected to audit his or her practice and, if so, how? May we be specific about our audit requirements in the state plan?

Since the only evidence of eligibility is the self-attestation and claims history, the state would need to take steps to verify the practice characteristics of the physician. This could be done by determining that the physician represents himself in the community as a family practitioner, as evidenced by medical directory listings, billings to other insurers, advertisements, etc.

While we have no objection to the addition of this information to the state plan amendment (SPA), we believe it is more important that the state make providers aware of the audit procedures and requirements as part of the enrollment process.

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FAQ ID:93891


Under CMS 2370-F, there are several codes for which there are relative value units (RVUs), but a rate does not calculate for the non-facility setting. For example, 99217-99221 (observation codes) only have a facility fee. If the state is electing the option of paying the non-facility fee, should it use the facility fee or is there an alternative method for calculation?

When there are RVUs for just one site of service the state should use those RVUs. There is no alternate method for calculation.

Supplemental Links:

FAQ ID:93896

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