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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions are used to provide additional information and/or statutory guidance not found in State Medicaid Director Letters, State Health Official Letters, or CMCS Informational Bulletins. The different sets of FAQs as originally released can be accessed below.

Showing 1 to 10 of 22 results

How does this durable medical equipment (DME) limit on federal financial participation (FFP) affect those states that are 90% managed care?

As we explained in the January 4, 2018 letter, only those items provided in the Medicaid program on a fee-for-service (FFS) basis are to be included in the aggregate expenditure calculation. DME reimbursed under a Medicaid managed care arrangement or a Medicaid competitive bidding contract are not subject to the FFP limitation. If a state is 90% managed care the state would only have to show compliance or a demonstration with the 10% of FFS utilization and expenditures for the relevant DME items.

FAQ ID:93531


Do the managed care organizations (MCOs), who are contracted to provide services to our Medicaid clients, have to comply with the durable medical equipment (DME) limit on federal financial participation (FFP)?

So long as the MCOs are not paid on a fee-for-service (FFS) basis, MCOs are not covered under this statute or subject to the limit on FFP. Only the relevant DME items provided in FFS are included in this limit.

FAQ ID:93536


Are states that provide durable medical equipment (DME) through a managed care arrangement required to submit the reconciliation data?

Only those items provided in the Medicaid program on a fee-for-service basis are to be included in the aggregate expenditure calculation. DME reimbursed under a Medicaid managed care arrangement or a Medicaid competitive bidding contract are not subject to the federal financial participation limitation.

FAQ ID:93541


Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services is saying this durable medical equipment (DME) limit on federal financial participation is applicable only to fee for service (FFS). How about the Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) waiver programs?

If the HCBS waiver includes FFS payments for DME, the state’s expenditures for DME would be subject to the limit.

FAQ ID:93546


When will the Basic Health Program be operational?

Given the scope of the coverage changes that states and the federal government will be implementing on January 1, 2014, and the value of building on the experience that will be gained from those changes, HHS expects to issue proposed rules regarding the Basic Health Program for comment in 2013 and final guidance in 2014, so that the program will be operational beginning in 2015 for states interested in pursuing this option.

Supplemental Links:

FAQ ID:92141


What approaches are available to states that are interested in the Basic Health Program in the interim?

HHS is working with states that are interested in the concepts included in the Basic Health Program option to identify similar flexibilities to design coverage systems for 2014, such as continuity of coverage as individuals' income changes. Specifically, we have outlined options to states related to using Medicaid funds to purchase coverage through a Qualified Health Plan (QHP) on the Marketplace for Medicaid beneficiaries (PDF, 242.79 KB). Additionally, some states with current Medicaid adult coverage expansions are considering offering additional types of assistance with premiums to individuals who will be enrolled in QHPs through the Marketplace. HHS will review all such ideas.

Supplemental Links:

FAQ ID:92146


Do states need to track people enrolled in the adult group who become pregnant? If a woman indicates on the application she is pregnant, do states need to enroll her as a pregnant woman if she is otherwise eligible for the adult group? Would there be a need to track pregnancy if the benefits for both groups are the same?

If a woman indicates on an initial application that she is pregnant, she should be enrolled in Medicaid coverage as a pregnant woman, rather than in the new adult group. However, as stated in the preamble to the March 23, 2012 Medicaid and CHIP Eligibility & Enrollment final rule , states are not required to track the pregnancy status of women already enrolled through the new adult group. Women should be informed of the benefits afforded to pregnant women under the state's Medicaid program and if a woman becomes pregnant and requests a change in coverage category, the state must make the change if she is eligible.

Supplemental Links:

FAQ ID:92151


If a woman moves from the adult group under 1902(a)(10)(A)(i)(VIII) to the pregnant woman group, are states then required to move former pregnant women from the pregnant women eligibility group back to the adult group when the post-partum period ends?

If a woman is enrolled in a group for pregnant women, before the end of the post-partum period, as specified in the definition of "pregnant woman" at 42 CFR 435.4, the state Medicaid agency will need to re-evaluate the woman's eligibility for other groups, including the lowincome adult group and advance payment of premium tax credits through the Marketplace. Our regulations at 42 CFR 435.916 explain the requirements for states in connection with renewals of eligibility or determinations of ineligibility based on a change in circumstances. The procedures outlined in the regulation are intended to promote continuity of coverage.

Supplemental Links:

FAQ ID:92161


Are there any circumstances that would allow a state to apply the same Upper Payment Limit (UPL) demonstration to multiple years?

When the data that factors into the state's UPL demonstration has not changed from one year to the next, then the state could apply the same overall UPL demonstration to the following year. The state must submit a justification to support the application of a previous year's UPL demonstration to another year.

FAQ ID:92221


Should the period of time covered by the Upper Payment Limit (UPL) demonstration be tied to the state's fiscal year?

No, CMS does not require any particular starting point within the fiscal year for the UPL demonstrations. This allows states the flexibility to develop UPL demonstrations that are tied to the provider payment periods described in the state plan payment methodologies for each service. For instance, if a state submits a state plan amendment to update provider payments as of October 1 of each year, the state would document that the SPA changes comply with the UPL for the period 10/1 - 9/30 of that payment year. The UPL must represent the entire payment year. Since UPL demonstrations usually rely on historic data that is projected into a payment year, this is consistent with past practices.

FAQ ID:92226

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