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Medicaid/Marketplace Coordination

This section contains guidance and resources to help states maximize efficiency and coordination of eligibility, enrollment, and renewal processes between Medicaid. CHIP and the health insurance Marketplace(s).

Title of Document
CIB: Notice of Technology and Process Upgrades for Account Transfer Functionality for States Served by Marketplaces on the Federal Platform
Overview: State Medicaid/CHIP Agencies Accepting Federally-facilitated Marketplace Eligibility Decisions
Operational Implementation: State Medicaid/CHIP (Technical Resource Guide)
FFM Inbound Account Transfer Matching Functionality Slide Deck (Posted 10/25/2022)

Additional Resources:

Strategies for SBMs to Improve Medicaid to Marketplace Coordination and Maximize Enrollee Transitions at the End of the Continuous Enrollment Requirement (3/16/22)


This document was designed to assist states during unwinding following the end of the COVID-19 public health emergency. The majority of eligibility and enrollment strategies and guidance in this document remain applicable outside the context of unwinding, but some policies may have been superseded by new statute and regulations. States should contact their CMS State lead with any questions.

Title of Document
Addressing Medicaid and CHIP Procedural Terminations in States that Operate a State-Based Marketplace with Account Transfers