In fall 2014, the Center for Medicaid and CHIP Services (CMCS) conducted a Nationwide Adult Medicaid (NAM) Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (CAHPS) survey of Medicaid enrollees to attain national and state-by-state measures of access, barriers to care, and experiences with care across delivery systems and major population subgroups. The survey interviewed a representative sample of adults ages 18 and older enrolled in Medicaid during October through December 2013. This first-of-its kind survey provides baseline information on the experiences of low-income adults prior to a state’s expansion of coverage to the new adult group that took effect on January 1, 2014. These data will be used to inform the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services and state efforts to improve health care delivery for Medicaid enrollees. View additional information in a CMCS Informational Bulletin.
NAM CAHPS Public Use Files
Now Available:
All analyses must account for the survey’s sample design and use weights and strata. Sample code is available under additional resources.
Public Use File Resources
- CODEBOOK: Nationwide Adult Medicaid Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (NAM CAHPS), 2014-2015 Public Use File: Lists variable names, types, labels, values and unweighted frequency; the weighting variable (FINALWEIGHT) and strata variables are also in the Codebook and must be used in analyses.
- Deriving Weighted Estimates and Calculating Standard Errors for States and Subpopulations for the NAM CAHPS Survey: Contains a summary of the sample design and weighting, and sample code for SAS, STATA, and R for cross-tabulations of weighted data and standard errors.
- USER GUIDE: National Adult Medicaid (NAM) Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems Survey (CAHPS) Public Use File, 2014-2015: Contains sample SAS and STATA code for cross-tabulations of weighted data with standard errors.
Additional Resources
A Limited Data Set (LDS) is also available. This data set includes the variables that were excluded from the PUF to protect respondent confidentiality. The differences between the PUF and the LDS are explained in the User Guide. Researchers must apply for access. Note that the PUF is free, while there is a fee for using the LDS. For more information and to request access see Limited Data Set (LDS) Files .
- Understanding Composite Measures in the NAM CAHPS Survey
- Methodology Report: 2014-2015 Nationwide CAHPS Survey of Adults Enrolled in Medicaid between October and December, 2013
- CAHPS 5.0 Adult Questionnaire (Medicaid)
- Deriving Weighted Estimates and Calculating Standard Errors for States and Subpopulations for the NAM CAHPS Survey
- NORC's Medicaid CAHPS Project Page
- Handout for the Nationwide Adult Medicaid CAHPS
Issue Briefs & Infographics
Nonresponse Bias Analysis: Findings from the 2014-2015 Nationwide Adult Medicaid Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems
Health Care Experiences of Adults with Disabilities Enrolled in Medicaid Only: Findings from a 2014-2015 Nationwide Survey of Medicaid Beneficiaries
Medical Assistance with Smoking and Tobacco Cessation: Findings from a 2014-2015 Nationwide Survey of Adult Medicaid Beneficiaries
Questions on the Nationwide Adult Medicaid CAHPS survey can be directed to