This consumer price index urban (CPI-U) value is used as an integral part of the computation of the unit rebate amounts for innovator drugs. It is available from the Bureau of Labor Statistics and it shows every value from 1913 to the present. The regulations at 42 CFR 411.357(k) and (m) set forth exceptions to the physician self-referral law for certain non-monetary compensation and certain medical staff incidental benefits, respectively. Under both exceptions, the compensation limits are adjusted each calendar year to the nearest whole dollar by the increase in the CPI-U for the 12-month period ending the preceding September 30.
The following table displays the compensation limits for each calendar year.
Calendar Year | Non-monetary compensation limit in accordance with §411.357(k) | Medical staff incidental benefit in accordance with §411.357(m)(5) | Percentage Change in the CPI-U |
CY 2011 | $359 | Less than $30 | +1.1% |
CY 2012 | $373 | Less than $31 | +3.9% |
CY 2013 | $380 | Less than $32 | +2.0% |
CY 2014 | $385 | Less than $32 | +1.2% |
CY 2015 | $392 | Less than $33 | +1.7% |
CY 2016 | $392 | Less than $33 | +0.0% |
CY 2017 | $398 | Less than $33 | +1.5% |
CY 2018 | $407 | Less than $34 | +2.2% |
CY 2019 | $416 | Less than $35 | +2.3% |
CY2020 | $423 | Less than $36 | +1.7% |
CY2021 | $429 | Less than $37 | +1.4% |
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Disclaimer: Please note that the information provided on this web page does not bind or obligate the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). The statements included on this web page are intended to provide information on the Consumer Price Index and do not in any way revise or modify the requirements set forth in Section 1927 of the Act, the national drug rebate agreement (NDRA), subsequent program releases, or regulations.
Page last updated on January 22, 2021