CCBHC Cost Reporting
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On March 7, 2024, CMS released its revised CCBHC Cost Report and CCBHC Cost Report Instructions in support of new payment flexibilities provided to states participating in the CCBHC Demonstration. The revised Cost Report replaces the 2016 version and includes additional worksheets to support calculation of new Special Crisis Services (SCS) rates under the newly added daily (PPS-3) and monthly (PPS-4) clinic-specific PPS rate methodologies to allow for isolation of crisis-related costs and more precision around PPS payments to clinics for crisis related services.
States planning to develop their own state-level cost report for use in the CCBHC Demonstration must receive CMS approval. As part of this process, states will need to align their state-level cost report with the CCBHC Cost Report Crosswalk.
Cost Report Deadlines:
SAMHSA's Certification Criteria at 5.a.4 requires that:
- Demonstration CCBHCs annually submit cost reports with supporting data to the state within six months after the end of each Demonstration year.
- States review CCBHCs’ cost reports for completeness prior to submitting the report and any additional clarifying information to CMS within nine months after the end of each Demonstration year.
CCBHC Demonstration Medicare Economic Index (MEI) Calculation Tool
To streamline annual calculation of the MEI under the CCBHC Demonstration, the CMS Office of the Actuary (OACT) developed a new CCBHC MEI calculation tool, solely for use in the CCBHC program. This tool does not create a separate MEI for CCBHCs; it uses the same MEI methodology utilized to update various payment rates in Medicare but measures the growth of different time periods specific to a state’s Demonstration year for CCBHCs.
To obtain the MEI tool file, please email Please note that this tool is to be used for the CCBHC program only and cannot be shared or used for programs outside the CCBHC program without CMS’ knowledge or permission.