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Medicaid Information Technology Architecture Governance Board Overview

In order to provide strategic direction and tactical oversight for the Medicaid Information Technology Architecture (MITA), the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) originally established the MITA Governance Board (MGB) on December 14, 2016. The Board is being revitalized in 2023 with a new focus on updating the MITA framework to reflect current business and technical best practices in Medicaid. The Board is a cohesive, effective group that will ensure MITA continues evolving to support a common Medicaid business and information technology framework for states and vendors.

Medicaid business information technology framework

What is the Board’s Role?

  • Brings needed expertise to address business, technical, and information gaps in the current framework.
  • Partners and builds strong relationships with the Medicaid community and other entities to maintain cross-stakeholder representation.
  • Provides an approach to making timely updates to MITA.
boards role

For more information, please contact the MITA Governance Board at MITAGOVBOARD@cms.hhs.gov.