Frequently Asked Questions are used to provide additional information and/or statutory guidance not found in State Medicaid Director Letters, State Health Official Letters, or CMCS Informational Bulletins. The different sets of FAQs as originally released can be accessed below.
Frequently Asked Questions
States have broad flexibility to determine what services can be delivered via telehealth. Further information can be found in the Telehealth Toolkits (COVID-19 & February 2024 Versions), accessible through this link: State Medicaid and CHIP Telehealth Toolkits landing page.
The system used to identify Medicaid members is unique to each State. The Technical Assistance Center can help with research and work with States to identify best practices to address this issue. We recommend the SMA work with LEAs to develop an integrated system used by both entities.
In order to submit an SPA package, States will formally submit a cover letter that briefly states the intention behind the SPA, a revised Form 179, the revised, applicable State plan pages, and if applicable, a sample cost report with cost report instructions. Please note that CMS does not formally approve the cost report, however the agency’s analysis of it will help to ensure the State is determining cost in a manner consistent with applicable regulation and statutes. Once a State submits an SPA to CMS, the agency has 90 days in which it can approve the SPA, disapprove the SPA, or formally request more information to determine whether the SPA comports with applicable regulations and statutes. If the agency sends a formal request for additional information (RAI), the State then has 90 days to formally respond to the RAI. Once the State responds, CMS has 90 days to either approve or disapprove the SPA.
Yes, examples of approved SPAs for States that expanded services beyond IDEA services (e.g., Arizona, Colorado, Illinois, New Mexico) can be found on CMS' website at the following link:
It's important to note that each State, District of Columbia, and territory is unique, and it is crucial to ensure that the SPA aligns with the specific needs and laws of the State.
Generally, yes, but how this is achieved is dependent on the reimbursement methodology the State has approved for SBS in its Medicaid State plan. If SBS in a State are paid through fee for service (FFS), then each billed service is claimed and paid as provided in the State plan, regardless of when it occurs.
If a State has a cost methodology in the State plan that uses a time study, the time study must include 100% of providers’ billable time and account for their regular schedules in the methodology and in the time study implementation plan (TSIP). In this case, the providers’ schedules should include after-school hours for programs that are intended to be captured. If these programs are contracted, the contracted costs must also be included in the cost report. If a State does not currently have these programs included in their approved SBS reimbursement methodology, the methodology may have to be amended to capture the additional services. This may include revisions to the SPA, TSIP, PACAP, or other documents, as needed.
In the case of summer activities (i.e., non-regular school days when schools are not capturing any Medicaid services), a time study should be performed to cover these periods. Anytime there are Medicaid services performed and captured in a cost methodology, that time needs to be accounted for in the CMS-approved TSIP, and the allocations explained in the SPA. This is especially true for children with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) who are eligible for Medicaid and require special education and related services after school hours, on weekends, and/or extended school year services (defined in 34 C.F.R § 300.106). SMAs must have procedures in effect that allow for time studies to capture 100% of providers’ time delivering extended school year services. No estimations of Medicaid services can be calculated for vacation or other periods not covered in the time study.
The formula for State FMAP is established in statute and there is currently no FMAP specific to SBS. The FMAP for direct medical services provided in schools is the same as applicable for Medicaid or CHIP services provided in other service settings. Expenditures for Medicaid administrative activities are generally available at a 50% matching rate, with higher rates for certain activities as specified in the Social Security Act (the Act). Expenditures for CHIP administrative activities, including health services initiatives (HSIs) are available at the Title XXI enhanced or eFMAP and subject to a 10% limit on administrative expenditures.
A Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) was published in the Federal Register at on January 24, 2024. Applications for grant funding were due March 25, 2024. Please contact the mailbox for more information.
The new flexibilities for SBS are policy options available to States, but are not required. If States have questions, we encourage them to reach out to the SBS email to engage in any needed technical assistance.
States should review the 2023 Comprehensive Guide to Medicaid Services and Administrative Claiming to ensure that their current SBS policies are consistent with all federal requirements. States are required to submit any necessary changes to their SPAs, TSIP, MAC Plan, PACAP, etc., to adhere to all applicable federal requirements as discussed in the 2023 Comprehensive Guide as quickly as possible, if changes are needed, with the expectation that any necessary changes will be requested and approved by July 1, 2026. CMS encourages states to start the submission process as soon as possible to allow for optimal time for review and necessary revisions. If the State has questions about compliance, CMS is available to assist. We encourage them to reach out to the SBS email to engage in any needed technical assistance.
The TAC’s upcoming events with registration information can be found here: Upcoming Events | Medicaid. Registration links will also be provided via email. Individuals from SMAs, SEAs, LEAs or school-based entities are invited to email the TAC at to be added to the distribution list. For those unable to attend, recordings of webinars will be posted two weeks after the event here: Past Events | Medicaid. Those registered for the webinar will be sent the recording when it becomes available.