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Medicaid & CHIP in

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Explore key characteristics of Medicaid and CHIP in , including documents and information relevant to how the programs have been implemented by within federal guidelines.

has expanded coverage to low-income adults.

As of December 2019, has enrolled 985,201 individuals in Medicaid and CHIP — a net increase of 57.29% since the first Marketplace Open Enrollment Period and related Medicaid program changes in October 2013. has adopted one or more of the targeted enrollment strategies outlined in guidance CMS issued on May 17, 2013, designed to facilitate enrollment in Medicaid and CHIP.

In federal fiscal year (FFY) XXXX, reported XXX health care quality measures in the CMS Medicaid and CHIP Child Core Set, including XXX out of XXX frequently reported measures. These counts do not include the Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (CAHPS®) Health Plan Survey 5.0H – Child Version Including Medicaid and Children with Chronic Conditions Supplemental Items (CPC-CH) or the Central Line-associated Bloodstream Infection (CLABSI-CH) measures.  In federal fiscal year (FFY) XXXX reported XXX health care quality measures in the CMS Medicaid and CHIP Adult Core Set, including XXX out of XXX frequently reported measures.  These counts do not include the Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (CAHPS®) Health Plan Survey 5.0H, Adult Version (Medicaid) (CPA-AD) measure.

More detailed information and source references are available on each of these topics.