Health Home SPA Development
Technical support is available to assist state Medicaid agencies in developing and implementing health home programs under Section 2703 of the Affordable Care Act (1945 of the Social Security Act). This assistance is offered to states at all levels of readiness. Technical assistance is provided by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services through Mathematica and the Center for Health Care Strategies.
To request technical assistance, please complete the downloadable form below and send to: You will receive a response within two (2) business days.
Submit this form for assistance: Health Home Technical Assistance Request Form
Health Homes Quality Measures
Technical support is available for State Medicaid Agencies to help clarify the Core Set of measure specifications; answer questions about reporting the Health Home measures; and to help states use the data from measures to drive quality improvement.
To request technical assistance related to the Health Home Core Set of measures, please send requests to