Provides case management, personal attendant services, adult medical day care, community transition services, environmental accessibility adaptations (home), environmental accessibility adaptations (vehicle), non-medical transportation, personal emergency response system, pest eradication services, pre-transition case management, and skilled nursing services to individuals ages 65 or older and individuals with physical disabilities ages 18-64 years who meet a nursing facility level of care.
Provides in-home family support, independent living/skills building, job development, respite care (in-home), supported employment-individual, wraparound facilitation, assistive equipment, community transition, family therapy, high intensity wraparound facilitation, mobile response, moderate intensity wraparound facilitation, non-medical transportation, peer parent support, respite care (out-of-home), and specialized therapy services to individuals with mental illness ages 18-21 years and individuals with serious emotional disturbance ages 3-17 years who meet a hospital level of care. This waiver operates with a concurrent 1915(b)(1) and 1115 authority.
Provides case management, personal attendant services, community transition services, environmental accessibility adaptations (home), environmental accessibility adaptations (vehicle), personal emergency response system, pest eradication services, pre-transition case management, and transportation services to individuals with brain injury ages 3 or older who meet a nursing facility level of care.