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WAIVER TERMINATED on 1/1/2015 – Provided adult day care, case management, daily living skills training, habilitation-day center service, prevocational, respite, supported employment, skilled nursing services RN/LPN extended, financial management service, adaptive aids, adult residential care-1- 2 bed adult family homes, adult residential care-3-4 bed adult family homes, adult residential care-community-based residential facilities, adult residential care-residential apartment complexes, communication aids, consumer education/training, consumer-directed supports support broker, counseling and therapeutic resources, environmental accessibility adaptations, habilitation-day services for children, habilitation-day services for children, home delivered meals, housing counseling, personal emergency response system, relocation services, self-directed personal care, specialized medical equipment and supplies, supportive home care, specialized transportation, and vocational futures planning and support services to individuals with intellectual disabilities or developmental disabilities ages 18 or older who met an ICF/IID level of care.  This waiver operated with a concurrent 1915(b)(2), 1915(b)(4), and 1932(a) authority.
WAIVER TERMINATED on 3/31/2017 – Provided consumer education and training, day services, respite, support and service coordination, supported employment, supportive home care, consumer and family directed supports, financial management service, adaptive aids, adult family home, children's foster care/treatment foster care-PD, communication aids, community integration, counseling and therapeutic services, daily living skills training, home mods, housing counseling, housing start up, mentoring, nursing, personal emergency response system, specialized transportation, and specialized medical and therapeutic supplies to individuals with physical or other disabilities ages 0-21 years who met a hospital or nursing facility level of care.
WAIVER TERMINATED on 3/31/2017 – Provided consumer education and training, day services, respite, support and service coordination, supported employment, supportive home care, consumer and family directed supports, financial management service, adaptive aids, adult family home, children's foster care/treatment foster care, communication aids, community integration, consultative behavioral intervention, counseling and therapeutic services, daily living skills training, early intensive behavioral intervention, home mods, housing counseling, housing start up, mentoring, nursing, personal emergency response system, specialized transportation, and specialized medical and therapeutic supplies to individuals with serious emotional disturbance ages 0-21 years who met a hospital level of care.
WAIVER TERMINATED on 7/1/2018 – Provided daily living skills training, prevocational services, respite, supported employment, adaptive aids, adult day care, adult family home 1-2 bed, adult family home 3-4 bed, community based residential facility, communication aids, consumer education and training, counseling and therapeutic services, day services for adults, financial management services, home delivered meals, home modifications, housing counseling, housing start-up, nursing services, personal emergency response system, self-directed supports, specialized medical and therapeutic supplies, specialized transportation 1, support and service coordination, and supportive home care services to individuals with intellectual disabilities or developmental disabilities ages 18 or older who met an ICF/IID level of care.
WAIVER TERMINATED on 7/1/2018 – Provided adult day care, care management, daily living skills training, prevocational services, respite, adaptive aids, adult day services, adult family home- one to two beds, adult family home- three to four beds, communication aids, community based residential facility, consumer education and training, counseling and therapeutic services, financial management services, home delivered meals, home modifications, housing counseling, housing start up, nursing services, personal emergency response systems, residential care apartment complex, self-directed supports, specialized medical and therapeutic supplies, specialized transportation, supported employment individual employment, supported employment small group employment, supportive home care, and vocational futures planning services to individuals ages 65 or older and individuals with physical disabilities ages 18-64 years who met a nursing facility level of care.
WAIVER TERMINATED on 1/8/2015 – Provided adult day care, daily living skills training, IRIS Consultant Services, live-in caregiver, prevocational services, respite, supported employment, nursing, 1-2 bed adult family home, 3-4 bed adult family home, adaptive aids, community-based residential facilities, communication aids vendors/interpreter, consumer education and training, counseling and therapeutic services, customized goods and services, day services, home delivered meals, home mods, housing counseling, personal emergency response system, relocation housing start up and related utility costs, residential care apartment complex, specialized medical equipment and supplies, specialized transportation 2, specialized transportation, support broker, supportive home care, and vocational futures planning services to individuals ages 65 or older and individuals with physical disabilities ages 18-64 years who met a nursing facility level of care.  This waiver operated with a concurrent 1915(j) authority.
Provides adult family home, assistive technology, child care services, children's foster care, communication assistance for community inclusion, community integration services, community/competitive integrated employment (individual), community/competitive integrated employment (small group), counseling and therapeutic services, daily living skills training, day services, discovery and career planning, empowerment and self-determination supports, family/unpaid caregiver supports and services, financial management services, grief and bereavement counseling, health and wellness, home modifications, housing support services, mentoring, participant and family-directed goods and services, participant and family-directed broker services, personal emergency response system, personal supports, relocation services, respite, safety planning and prevention, specialized medical and therapeutic supplies, support and service coordination, transportation, vehicle modifications, and virtual equipment and supports services to individuals with physical and other disabilities, with serious emotional disturbance, with autism, with intellectual disabilities, or with developmental disabilities ages 0-21 years who meet a hospital, nursing facility, or ICF/IID level of care.  This waiver operates with a concurrent 1915(b)(4) authority.

Provides adult day care, case management, daily living skills training, day habilitation, prevocational, respite, supported employment-individual employment support, consumer directed supports (self-directed supports) broker, financial management services, assistive technology, CIE exploration, communication assistance, consultative clinical and therapeutic services for caregivers, consumer education and training, counseling and therapeutic resources, environmental accessibility adaptations (home modifications), health and wellness, home delivered meals, housing counseling, personal emergency response system, relocation services, remote monitoring and support, residential services (1-2 Bed AFH), residential services (other), self-directed personal care, skilled nursing services RN/LPN, specialized medical equipment and supplies, supported employment (small group employment support), supportive home care, training services for unpaid caregivers, transportation (specialized transportation) - community transportation, transportation (specialized transportation) - other transportation, vehicle modifications, vocational futures planning and support services to individuals ages 65 or older, individuals with physical or other disabilities ages 18-64 years, and individuals with developmental disabilities or intellectual disabilities ages 18 or older who meet a nursing facility or ICF/IID level of care.  This waiver operates with a concurrent 1915(b)(1), 1915(b)(2), and 1915(b)(4) authority.

Provides adult day care, daily living skills training, day services, live-in caregiver, prevocational services, respite, supported employment (individual), nursing services, fiscal employer agent services, IRIS consultant services, assistive technology, community transportation, consultative clinical and therapeutic services for caregivers, consumer education and training, counseling and therapeutic services, home delivered meals, home modification, housing counseling, individual directed goods and services, interpreter services, personal emergency response system, relocation (community transition services), residential services (1-2 bed AFH), residential services (other), specialized medical equipment and supplies, support broker services, supported employment (group), supportive home care, training services for unpaid caregivers, vehicle modifications, and vocational and futures planning services to individuals 65 or older, individuals with intellectual disabilities or developmental disabilities ages 18 or older, and individuals with physical disabilities ages 18-64 years who meet a nursing facility or ICF/IID level of care.  This waiver operates with a concurrent 1915(j) authority.