Provides residential habilitation, respite, support coordination, nursing services, nutrition services, occupational therapy, physical therapy, specialized medical equipment and supplies and assistive technology, speech/language/hearing services, adult dental services, behavior services, behavioral respite services, community participation supports, enabling technology, environmental accessibility modifications, facility-based day supports, family model residential support, individual transportation services, intermittent employment and community integration wrap-around supports, medical residential services, non-residential homebound support services, orientation and mobility services for impaired vision, personal assistance, personal emergency response system, semi-independent living, supported employment - small group employment support, supported employment individual-benefits counseling, supported employment individual-discovery, supported employment individual-exploration, supported employment individual-job coaching, supported employment individual-job development, supported living, and transitional case management services to individuals with intellectual disabilities ages 0 or older who meet an ICF/IID level of care.
Provides respite, nursing services, nutrition services, occupational therapy, physical therapy, specialized medical equipment and supplies and assistive technology, speech/language/hearing services, adult dental services, behavior services, behavioral respite services, community participation supports, enabling technology, environmental accessibility modifications, facility-based day supports, individual transportation services, intermittent employment and community integration wrap-around supports, non-residential homebound support services, orientation and mobility services for impaired vision, personal assistance, personal emergency response systems, semi-independent living services, supported employment - small group employment support, supported employment individual-benefits counseling, supported employment individual-discovery, supported employment individual-exploration, supported employment individual-job coaching, and supported employment individual-job development services to individuals with intellectual disabilities ages 0 or older and individuals with developmental disabilities ages 0-5 years who meet an ICF/IID level of care.
Provides residential habilitation, respite, support coordination, nursing services, nutrition services, occupational therapy, physical therapy, specialized medical equipment and supplies and assistive technology, speech/language/hearing services, adult dental services, behavior services, behavioral respite services, community participation supports, enabling technology, environmental accessibility modifications, facility-based day supports, family model residential support, individual transportation services, intermittent employment and community integration wrap-around supports, medical residential services, non-residential homebound support services, orientation and mobility services for impaired vision, personal assistance, personal emergency response systems, semi-independent living, supported employment - small group employment support, supported employment individual-benefits counseling, supported employment individual-discovery, supported employment individual-exploration, supported employment individual-job coaching, supported employment individual-job development, supported living, and transitional case management services to individuals with developmental disabilities ages 0-5, and individuals with intellectual disabilities ages 0 or older who meet an ICF/IID level of care.