Provides assisted living services and community transition services to individuals with physical disabilities ages 21-64 and individuals ages 65 or older who meet a nursing facility level of care.
Provides adult day health center services, personal care aide services, community integration, community transition, home care attendant, home delivered meal, home maintenance and chore, home modification, out-of-home respite, personal emergency response systems, supplemental adaptive and assistive device, supplemental transportation services, and waiver nursing services to individuals with physical disabilities ages 0-59 years who meet a hospital or nursing facility level of care.
Provides community respite, habilitation - adult day support, homemaker/personal care, specialized medical equipment and supplies, assistive technology, career planning, community transition service, environmental accessibility adaptations, group employment support, habilitation - vocational habilitation, home delivered meals, homemaker/personal care - daily billing unit, individual employment support, interpreter, money management, non-medical transportation, nutrition, participant-directed homemaker/personal care, remote supports, residential respite, shared living, social work, transportation, waiver nursing delegation, and waiver nursing services to individuals with intellectual disabilities or developmental disabilities ages 0 or older who meet an ICF/IID level of care.
Provides adult day health, homemaker, personal care, alternative meals service, assisted living service, choices - home care attendant service, community integration service, community transition service, enhanced community living service, home care attendant, home delivered meals, home maintenance and chore, home medical equipment and supplemental adaptive and assistive device services, home modification, nutritional consultation, out-of-home respite, personal emergency response system, social work counseling, waiver nursing, and waiver transportation services to individuals ages 65 or older and individuals with physical disabilities ages 18-64 years who meet a hospital or nursing facility level of care. This waiver operates with a concurrent 1915(b)(1) and 1915(b)(4) authority.
Provides adult day service, homemaker, personal care, alternative meals service, choices - home care attendant service, community integration, community transition, enhanced community living service, home care attendant, home delivered meals, home maintenance and chore, home medical equipment and supplies, home modification, non-medical transportation, nutritional consultation, out-of-home respite, personal emergency response system, social work counseling, and waiver nursing services to individuals ages 65 or older and individuals with physical disabilities ages 60-64 years who meet a nursing facility level of care.
Provides participant-directed homemaker/personal care, residential respite, participant-directed goods and services, participant/family stability assistance, support brokerage, assistive technology, career planning, clinical/therapeutic intervention, community respite, functional behavioral assessment, group employment support, habilitation - adult day support, habilitation - vocational habilitation, home delivered meals, individual employment support, non-medical transportation, remote supports, transportation, and waiver nursing delegation services to individuals with intellectual disabilities or developmental disabilities ages 0 or older who meet an ICF/IID level of care.