Provides community habilitation, day habilitation, prevocational services, respite, supported employment, adaptive and assistive technology, caregiver/family advocacy and support services, environmental modifications, financial management services, non-medical transportation, palliative care – expressive therapy, palliative care – counseling and support service, palliative care – massage therapy, palliative care – pain and symptom management, and vehicle modification services to individuals with physical or other disabilities ages 0-20, with brain injury ages 0-20, with HIV/AIDS ages 0-20, who are medically fragile ages 0- 20, who are technology dependent ages 0-20, with autism ages 0-20, with developmental disabilities ages 0-20, with intellectual disabilities ages 0-20, with mental illness ages 18-20, and individuals with serious emotional disturbance ages 0-18 years who meet a hospital, nursing facility, or ICF/IID level of care. This waiver operates with a concurrent 1915(b)(4) and 1115 authority.
Provides respite, service coordination, assistive technology, community transitional services, environmental modifications services, moving assistance services, transportation services, community integration counseling services, congregate and home delivered meals services, home and community support services, home visits by medical personnel, independent living skills training services, nutritional counseling/educational services, peer mentoring, positive and behavioral interventions and supports services, respiratory therapy services, structured day program services, and wellness counseling services to individuals ages 65 or older and individuals with physical disabilities ages 18-64 years who meet a nursing facility level of care. This waiver operates with a concurrent 1115 authority.
Provides day habilitation, live-in caregiver, prevocational services, residential habilitation, respite, supported employment, community transition services, fiscal intermediary, individual directed goods and services, support brokerage, assistive technology/adaptive devices, community habilitation, environmental modifications (home accessibility), family education and training, intensive behavioral services, pathway to employment, and vehicle modification services to individuals with autism, intellectual disabilities, or developmental disabilities ages 0 or older who meet an ICF/IID level of care. This waiver operates with a concurrent 1915(a)(1)(a) authority.