WAIVER TERMINATED on 11/1/2017 – Provided case management, day habilitation, individual supports, prevocational training services, respite, supported employment - individual employment support, support coordination, assistive technology, behavioral supports, career planning, community transition services, environmental modifications, occupational therapy, personal emergency response system, physical therapy, speech, language, and hearing therapy, supported employment – small group employment support, transportation, and vehicle modification services to individuals with autism, intellectual disabilities, or developmental disabilities ages 21 or older who met an ICF/IID level of care.
WAIVER TERMINATED on 6/30/2014 – Provided case management, personal care assistant, and private duty nursing to individuals with HIV/AIDS ages 0 or older who met a nursing facility level of care.
WAIVER TERMINATED on 6/30/2014 – Provided case management, community transitional services, environmental/residential modifications, personal emergency response system, private duty nursing, and vehicular modification services to individuals with physical disabilities ages 0 or older who met a nursing facility level of care.
WAIVER TERMINATED on 6/30/2014 – Provided care management, respite, adult family care, assisted living, assisted living program in subsidized housing, attendant care, caregiver participant training, chore, community transition, environmental accessibility adaptations, home-based supportive care, home-delivered meals, personal emergency response system, social adult day care, specialized medical equipment and supplies, transitional care management, and transportation services to individuals ages 65 or older and individuals with physical disabilities ages 21-64 years who met a nursing facility level of care.