Provides day habilitation, in-home respite, personal assistant services, support broker, applied behavior analysis, assistive technology, community networking, community specialist, crisis intervention, environmental accessibility adaptations-home/vehicle modification, health assessment and coordination services, individual directed goods and services, individualized skill development, out-of-home respite, remote supports, specialized medical equipment and supplies (adaptive equipment), and transportation services to individuals with intellectual disabilities or developmental disabilities ages 0-17 years who meet an ICF/IID level of care.
Provides case management, personal care, financial management services, environmental accessibility adaptations, and specialized medical equipment and supplies to individuals with physical disabilities ages 18-64 years who meet a nursing facility level of care.
Provides day habilitation, personal assistant services, prevocational services, supported employment, dental, support broker, applied behavior analysis, assistive technology, benefits planning, career planning, community networking, community specialist, community transition, environmental accessibility adaptations-home/vehicle modification, family peer support, health assessment and coordination services, individual directed goods and services, individualized skill development, job development, occupational therapy, physical therapy, professional assessment and monitoring, remote supports, specialized medical equipment and supplies (adaptive equipment), speech therapy, temporary residential service, and transportation services to individuals with autism, intellectual disabilities, or developmental disabilities ages 0 or older who meet an ICF/IID level of care.
WAIVER TERMINATED on 6/30/2017 – Provided in-home respite, personal assistant, assistive technology, behavior analysis, community specialist services, environmental accessibility adaptations-vehicle mods, out of home respite, person centered strategies consultation, professional assessment and monitoring, specialized medical equipment and supplies (adaptive equipment), support broker, and transportation services to individuals with autism ages 3-18 years who met an ICF/IID level of care.
WAIVER TERMINATED on 3/3/2012 – Provided assisted living services to individuals ages 65 or older, and individuals with physical or other disabilities ages 18-64 years who met a nursing facility level of care.