Provides adult day service, caregiver living expenses, case management, homemaker, prevocational services, respite, extended community first services and supports, extended home care nursing services, extended home health care services, extended personal care assistance services, 24-hour emergency assistance, adult companion services, adult day service bath, adult foster care, child foster care, chore services, community residential services, consumer directed community supports (CDCS): community integration and support, CDCS: financial management services, CDCS: individual-directed goods and services, CDCS: self-direction support activities, CDCS: support planning, CDCS: environmental modifications - home modifications, CDCS: environmental modifications - vehicle modifications, CDCS: environmental modifications and provisions, CDCS: personal assistance, CDCS: treatment and training, crisis respite, customized living, day support services, employment development services, employment exploration services, employment support services, environmental accessibility adaptations - home modifications, environmental accessibility adaptations - vehicle modifications, family residential services, family training and counseling, home-delivered meals, housing access coordination, in-home family supports, independent living skills (ILS) therapies, ILS training services, individualized home supports, integrated community supports, night supervision services, personal support services, positive support services, specialist services, specialized equipment and supplies, structured day program, transitional services, and transportation services to individuals with brain injury ages 0-64 years who meet a hospital or nursing facility level of care. This waiver operates with a concurrent 1915(b)(4) authority.
Provides adult day service, caregiver living expenses, case management, homemaker, prevocational services, respite, extended community first services and supports, extended home care nursing, extended home health care services, extended personal care assistance services, 24-hour emergency assistance, adult companion services, adult day service bath, adult foster care, child foster care, chore services, community residential services, consumer-directed community supports (CDCS): community integration and support, CDCS: individual-directed goods and services, CDCS: personal assistance, CDCS: support planning, CDCS: financial management services, CDCS: self-direction support activities, CDCS: environmental modifications – vehicle modifications, CDCS: environmental modifications and provisions, CDCS: environmental modifications – home modifications, CDCS: treatment and training, crisis respite, customized living, day support services, employment development services, employment exploration services, employment support services, environmental accessibility adaptations – home modifications, environmental accessibility adaptations – vehicle modifications, family residential services, family training and counseling, home delivered meals, housing access coordination, in-home family supports, independent living skills (ILS) therapies, ILS training services, individualized home supports, integrated community supports, night supervision services, personal support services, positive support services, specialist services, specialized equipment and supplies, transitional services, and transportation services to individuals with physical or other disabilities ages 0-64 years who meet a nursing facility level of care. This waiver operates with a concurrent 1915(b)(4) authority.
Provides adult day service, caregiver living expenses, case management, homemaker, prevocational services, respite, extended community first services and supports, extended home care nursing, extended home health care, extended personal care assistance, 24-hour emergency assistance, chore services, community residential services, consumer directed community supports (CDCS): environmental modifications & provisions, CDCS: personal assistance, CDCS: self-direction support activities, CDCS: treatment and training, CDCS: integration and support, CDCS: individual-directed goods and services, CDCS: support planning, CDCS: financial management services, CDCS: environmental modifications – home modifications, CDCS: environmental modifications – vehicle modifications, crisis respite services, day support services, employment development services, employment exploration services, employment support services, environmental accessibility adaptations – home modifications, environmental accessibility adaptations – vehicle modifications, family residential services, family training and counseling, home delivered meals, independent living skills (ILS) therapies, individualized home supports, integrated community supports, night supervision services, positive support services, specialist services, specialized equipment and supplies, transitional services, and transportation services to individuals with other disabilities ages 0-64 years who meet a hospital level of care. This waiver operates with a concurrent 1915(b)(4) authority.
Provides 24-hour emergency assistance, adult day service bath, adult day service, assistive technology, caregiver living expenses, case management, extended community first services and supports, consumer directed community supports (CDCS): community integration and support, CDCS environmental modifications (home modifications), CDCS environmental modifications (vehicle modifications), CDCS environmental modifications and provisions, CDCS financial management services, CDCS individual-directed goods and services, CDCS personal assistance, CDCS self-direction support activities, CDCS support planning, CDCS treatment and training, chore, community residential services, crisis respite, day support services, day training and habilitation, employment development services, employment exploration services, employment support services, environmental accessibility adaptations (home modifications), environmental accessibility adaptations (vehicle modifications), extended personal care assistance services, family residential services, family training and counseling, home delivered meals, homemaker, independent living skills therapies, individualized home supports, integrated community supports, night supervision services, positive support services, prevocational services, respite, specialist services, specialized equipment and supplies, transitional, and transportation services to individuals with intellectual disabilities or developmental disabilities ages 0 or older who meet an ICF/IID level of care. This waiver operates with a concurrent 1915(b)(4) authority.
Provides adult companion services, adult day service bath, adult day service, adult foster care, case management, extended community first services and supports, consumer directed community supports (CDCS): environmental modifications – home modifications, CDCS: environmental modifications – vehicle modifications, CDCS: environmental modifications and provisions, CDCS: financial management services, CDCS: individual-directed goods and services, CDCS: personal assistance, CDCS: self-direction support activities, CDCS: support planning, CDCS: treatment and training, chore services, CDCS: community integration and support, customized living services, environmental accessibility adaptations - home modifications, environmental accessibility adaptations – vehicle modifications, extended home care nursing, extended state plan home health care services, extended state plan personal care assistance (PCA), family caregiver services, home delivered meals, homemaker, individual community living supports, managed care premiums, respite, specialized equipment and supplies, transitional services, and transportation services to individuals ages 65 or older who meet a nursing facility level of care. This waiver operates with a concurrent 1915(a)(1)(a), 1915(b)(1), and 1915(b)(4) authority.