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Provides day habilitation, individual support services, medical day care, residential habilitation, and supported employment services to individuals with brain injury ages 22 and older who meet a hospital or nursing facility level of care.

Provides career exploration, community living-group home, day habilitation, live-in caregiver supports, medical day care, personal supports, respite care services, supported employment, support broker services, assistive technology and services, behavioral support services, community development services, community living--enhanced supports, employment discovery and customization, employment services, environmental assessment, environmental modifications, family and peer mentoring supports, family caregiver training and empowerment services, housing support services, individual and family directed goods and services,  nursing support services, participant education, training and advocacy supports, remote support services, shared living, supported living, transition services, transportation, and vehicle modification services to individuals with developmental disabilities ages 18 or older who meet an ICF/IID level of care.
Provides career exploration, day habilitation, medical day care, personal supports, respite care services, support broker services, assistive technology and services, behavioral support services, community development services, employment discovery and customization, employment services, environmental assessment, environmental modifications, family and peer mentoring supports, family caregiver training and empowerment services, housing support services, individual and family directed goods and services, nursing support services, participant education/training and advocacy supports, supported employment, transportation, and vehicle modification services to individuals with developmental disabilities ages 18 or older who meet an ICF/IID level of care.

Provides personal supports, respite care services, support broker services, assistive technology and services, behavioral support services, environmental assessment, environmental modifications, family and peer mentoring supports, family caregiver training and empowerment services, housing support services, individual and family directed goods and services, nursing support services, participant education, training and advocacy supports, transportation, and vehicle modification services to individuals with developmental disabilities ages 0-21 years who meet an ICF/IID level of care.

Provides assisted living, case management, medical day care, respite care, senior center plus, behavior consultation services, family training, and nutritionist/dietitian services to individuals ages 65 or older and individuals with physical disabilities ages 18-64 years who meet a nursing facility level of care.  This waiver operates with a concurrent 1915(b)(4) authority.
Provides medical day care services to individuals ages 65 or older and individuals with physical or other disabilities ages 16-64 years who meet a nursing facility level of care.
Provides case management, medical day care, principal physician's participation in the plan of care meeting, and private duty nursing services to individuals who are medically fragile ages 0 or older who meet a hospital or nursing facility level of care. 

WAIVER TERMINATED on 6/30/2013 – Provided community supported living arrangements, expanded day habilitation-supported employment, expanded day habilitation-employment discovery and customization, live-in caregiver, medical day care, resource coordination, respite, traditional day habilitation, support brokerage, assistive technology and adaptive equipment, behavioral supports, environmental accessibility adaptation, expanded day habilitation-community learning, family/individual support, transition, and transportation services to individuals with developmental disabilities or intellectual disabilities ages 0 or older who met an ICF/IID level of care.

Provides residential habilitation, respite, adult life planning, environmental accessibility adaptations, family consultation, intensive individual support service, and therapeutic integration services to individuals with autism ages 1-21 years who meet an ICF/IID level of care.

WAIVER TERMINATED on 1/6/2014 – Provided attendant care, case management, medical day care, assistive technology, consumer training, dietician nutrition services, environmental accessibility adaptations, environmental assessment, family training, home delivered meals, nursing supervision, personal emergency response system, and transition services to individuals with physical disabilities ages 18-64 years who met a nursing facility level of care.  This waiver operated with a concurrent 1915(b)(4) authority.
WAIVER TERMINATED on 9/30/2014 – Provided in-home respite, caregiving peer-to-peer support, crisis and stabilization service, expressive and experiential behavioral services, family and young training, and out-of-home respite services to individuals with mental illness ages 18-21 and individuals with serious emotional disturbance ages 6-17 years who met a psychiatric residential treatment facility level of care.