Provides community integration, expanded habilitation/education, homemaker, respite, assistive technology, behavioral supports and consultation, family training, home delivered meals, home modifications and adaptations, individual goods and services, and vehicle modification services to individuals with autism ages 0-9 years old who meet an ICF/IID level of care.
Provides Alzheimer’s/Dementia coaching, home health aide, homemaker, personal care, respite, assisted transportation, assistive technology - electronic comfort animals, assistive technology for telehealth, chore, companion, complex care training and oversight, enhanced technology/cellular personal emergency response system, environmental accessibility adaptation, evidence based education programs, goal engagement program, grocery shopping and delivery, home based wandering response systems, home delivered meals, home delivery of pre-packaged medication, home safety/independent evaluations (formerly occupational therapy), laundry, medication dispensing system, orientation and mobility services, peer support, senior care options, supportive day program, supportive home care aide, transitional assistance, transportation, and virtual communication and monitoring (VCAM) services to individuals with physical disabilities ages 60-64 and individuals ages 65 or older who meet a nursing facility level of care. This waiver operates with a concurrent 1915(a)(1)(a) authority.
Provides homemaker, individual support and community habilitation, residential habilitation, respite, supported employment, adult companion, assistive technology for telehealth, day services, home accessibility adaptations, shared living - 24 hour supports, specialized medical equipment, transitional assistance, and transportation services to individuals with brain injury ages 18 or older who meet a hospital or nursing facility level of care.