Provides respite care, financial management services, family adjustment counseling, and parent support and training (peer-to-peer) services to individuals with autism ages 0-5 years who meet a hospital level of care. This waiver operates with a concurrent 1915(b)(1) and 1915(b)(2) authority.
Provides personal care, occupational therapy, physical therapy, speech and language therapy, financial management services, behavior therapy, cognitive rehabilitation, enhanced care service, home and environmental modifications services, home-delivered meals, medication reminder services, personal emergency response system and installation, specialized medical equipment and supplies, transitional living skill, and vehicle modification services to individuals with brain injury ages 0-64 years who meet a hospital level of care. This waiver operates with a concurrent 1915(b)(1) and 1915(b)(2) authority.
Provides day supports, overnight respite care, personal care service, residential supports, supported employment, financial management services, Children's Integrated Community Supports (CHICS), enhanced care service, home and environmental modification services, medical alert rental, specialized medical care, specialized medical equipment and supplies, vehicle modification services, and wellness monitoring services to individuals with autism, intellectual disabilities, or developmental disabilities ages 5 or older who meet an ICF/IID level of care. This waiver operates with a concurrent 1915(b)(1) and 1915(b)(2) authority.
Provides personal care services, financial management services, adult day care, comprehensive support, enhanced care service, home and environmental modification services, home telehealth, medication reminder service/installation, nursing evaluation visit, oral health services, personal emergency response system and installation, specialized medical equipment and supplies, vehicle modification services, and wellness monitoring services to individuals ages 65 or older who meet a nursing facility level of care. This waiver operates with a concurrent 1915(b)(1) and 1915(b)(2) authority.
Provides personal care services, financial management services, enhanced care service, home and environmental modifications services, home-delivered meals services, medication reminder services, personal emergency response system and installation services, specialized medical equipment and supplies, and vehicle modification services to individuals with physical disabilities ages 16-64 years who meet a nursing facility level of care. This waiver operates with a concurrent 1915(b)(1) and 1915(b)(2) authority.
Provides attendant care, independent living/skills building, short-term respite care, parent support and training, professional resource family care, and wraparound facilitation services to individuals with serious emotional disturbance ages 4-18 years who meet a hospital level of care. This waiver operates with a concurrent 1915(b)(1) and 1915(b)(2) authority.
Provides medical respite care, personal care services, financial management services, health maintenance monitoring, home modification, intermittent intensive medical care, and specialized medical care services to individuals who are medically fragile or who are technology dependent ages 0-21 years who meet a hospital level of care. This waiver operates with a concurrent 1915(b)(1) and 1915(b)(2) authority.