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Provides adult day care, homemaker, individual provider, respite, home health aide, occupational therapy, physical therapy, speech therapy, environmental accessibility adaptations, home delivered meals, in-home shift nursing, intermittent nursing, personal emergency response system, and specialized medical equipment services to individuals with physical disabilities ages 0-59 years who meet a nursing facility level of care.  This waiver operates with a concurrent 1915(b)(1) and 1932(a) authority.

Provides adult day service, community day services, residential habilitation, occupational therapy, physical therapy, speech therapy, self-direction assistance, 24-hour stabilization services, adaptive equipment, assistive technology, behavior intervention and treatment, behavioral services (psychotherapy and counseling), emergency home response services, home accessibility modifications, non-medical transportation, personal support, remote support, skilled nursing, supported employment - individual employment support, supported employment – small group supports, temporary assistance, training and counseling services for unpaid caregivers, and vehicle modification services to individuals with autism, developmental disabilities, or intellectual disabilities ages 18 or older who meet an ICF/IID level of care.
Provides adult day service, in-home service (homemaker), automated medication dispenser, and emergency home response services to individuals ages 65 or older and individuals with physical disabilities ages 60-64 years who meet a nursing facility level of care.  This waiver operates with a concurrent 1915(b)(1), 1932(a), and 1115 authority.

Provides respite, adaptive equipment, assistive technology, certified nursing assistant, environmental accessibility adaptations, family training, home accessibility modifications, in-home shift nursing, nurse training, pest control, placement maintenance counseling services, specialized medical equipment and supplies, and vehicle modification services to individuals who are medically fragile or who are technology dependent ages 0 or older who meet a hospital or nursing facility level of care.

Provides adult day service, day habilitation, homemaker, independent provider, prevocational services, respite, supported employment, home health aide, intermittent nursing, occupational therapy, physical therapy, speech therapy, cognitive behavioral therapies, environmental accessibility adaptations, home delivered meals, in-home shift nursing, personal emergency response systems, and specialized medical equipment and supplies to individuals with brain injury ages 0 or older who meet a nursing facility level of care.  This waiver operates with a concurrent 1915(b)(1), 1932(a), and 1115 authority.

Provides adult day service, homemaker, independent provider, respite, home health aide, intermittent nursing, occupational therapy, physical therapy, speech therapy, environmental accessibility adaptations, home delivered meals, in-home shift nursing, personal emergency response system, and specialized medical equipment and supplies to individuals with HIV/AIDS ages 0 or older who meet a nursing facility level of care.  This waiver operates with a concurrent 1915(b)(1), 1932(a), and 1115 authority.

Provides child group home, adaptive equipment, assistive technology, and behavior intervention and treatment services to individuals with autism, developmental disabilities, or intellectual disabilities ages 3-21 years who meet an ICF/IID level of care.

Provides adaptive equipment, assistive technology, behavior intervention and treatment, self-direction assistance, home accessibility modifications, personal support, temporary assistance, training and counseling services for unpaid caregivers, and vehicle modification services to individuals with autism, intellectual disabilities, or developmental disabilities ages 3-21 years who meet an ICF/IID level of care.

Provides assisted living services to individuals ages 65 or older and individuals with physical disabilities ages 22-64 years who meet a nursing facility level of care.  This waiver operates with a concurrent 1915(a)(1)(a), 1915(b)(1), 1932(a), and 1115 authority.