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Provides care coordination, residential habilitation, assisted living services (homemaker, home health aide, personal care), augmented plan of care development and follow-up, and NF transition care coordination services to individuals ages 65 or older, and individuals with physical or other disabilities ages 21-64 years who meet a nursing facility level of care.

Provides behavioral intervention services, community living arrangement services, day service, homemaker, prevocational services, respite care, supported employment, dental services, home health aide, occupational therapy, optometric/optician services, physical therapy, prescription lenses and frames, psychology services, speech/hearing and language services, financial management service, chore services, communication aides, community based adult services, community-based training service, coordinated family supports, environmental accessibility adaptations, family support services, family/ consumer training, housing access services, intensive transition services, non-medical transportation, nutritional consultation, participant-directed services, person-centered future planning, personal emergency response systems, self-directed support services, skilled nursing, specialized medical equipment and supplies, transition/set up expenses, vehicle modifications and adaptations services to individuals with autism, intellectual disabilities, or developmental disabilities ages 0 or older who meet an ICF/IID level of care.

Provides case management, habilitation services, home respite, waiver personal care services, paramedical service, assistive technology, community transition services, comprehensive care management, continuous nursing and supportive services, developmentally disabled/continuous nursing care (DD/CNC) non-ventilator dependent services, DD/CNC- ventilator dependent services, environmental accessibility adaptations, facility respite, family/caregiver training, medical equipment operating expense, personal emergency response systems (PERS), PERS installation and testing, private duty nursing - including home health aide and shared services, and transitional case management services to individuals who are medically fragile or who are technology dependent ages 0 or older who meet a hospital, nursing facility, or ICF/IID level of care.
Provides enhanced case management, homemaker, skilled nursing (licensed vocational nurse), skilled nursing (registered nurse), attendant care, home-delivered meals/nutritional supplements, Medi-Cal supplements for infants and children in foster care, minor physical adaptations to the home, non-medical transportation, nutritional counseling, psychotherapy, and specialized medical equipment and supplies to individuals with HIV/AIDS ages 0 or older who meet a hospital or nursing facility level of care.

Provides care management, respite care, supplemental homemaker services, supplemental personal care, adult day care, assistive technology, communication: device, communication: translation/interpretation, community transition services, consultative clinical services, minor home repairs and maintenance, money management, specialized non-medical home equipment, nutritional services, social support, supplemental protective supervision, therapeutic counseling, therapeutic services, and transportation services to individuals ages 60 or older who meet a nursing facility level of care.

Provides community living supports, employment supports, homemaker, live-in caregiver, prevocational supports, respite services, acupuncture services, chiropractic service, dental services, home health aide, lenses and frames, occupational therapy, optometric/optician services, physical therapy, psychology services, speech, hearing and language services, financial management service, independent facilitator, behavioral intervention services, communication support, community integration supports, crisis intervention and support, environmental accessibility adaptations, family support services, family/consumer training, housing access supports, individual training and education, massage therapy, non-medical transportation, nutritional consultation, participant-directed goods and services, personal emergency response systems, skilled nursing, specialized medical equipment and supplies, technology, training and counseling services for unpaid caregivers, transition/set up expenses: other service, and vehicle modifications and adaptations services to individuals with autism, intellectual disabilities, or developmental disabilities ages 0 or older who meet an ICF/IID level of care.
WAIVER TERMINATED on 12/31/2019 – Provided case management/coordination, habilitation services, home respite, waiver personal care, community transition, environmental accessibility adaptations, family/caregiver training, medical equipment operating expense, personal emergency response system (PERS), PERS-installation and testing, private duty nursing-including shared services, and transitional case management services to individuals who are medically fragile or who are technology dependent ages 0 or older who met a nursing facility level of care.

WAIVER TERMINATED on 1/1/2019 – Provided care coordination, home respite care, expressive therapies, family counseling, family training, out of home respite care, and pain and symptom management services to individuals who are medically fragile or who are technology dependent ages 0 or older who met a hospital level of care.

WAIVER TERMINATED on 6/30/2017 – Provided care coordination, community living support benefit (CLSB) in licensed settings, behavior assessment and planning, community living support benefit in housing sites, enhanced care coordination, environmental accessibility adaptations, and home delivered meals to individuals ages 65 or older and individuals with physical or other disabilities ages 21-64 years who met a nursing facility level of care.