Provides adult day health, case management, homemaker, personal care, respite (skilled and unskilled), adult companion service, assistive technology, home delivered meals, home modifications, medical supplies, personal assistant service, personal emergency response systems-installation/monthly fee, pest control service, skilled nursing, and transitional assistance services to individuals ages 65 or older, and individuals with physical or other disabilities ages 0 or older who meet a nursing facility level of care. This waiver operates with a concurrent 1915(b)(1); 1915(b)(4); and 1915(j) authority.
Provides day habilitation, employment support, personal care, prevocational services, respite, adult companion services, assistance in community integration, assistive technology services, benefits and career counseling, community experience, crisis intervention, environmental accessibility adaptations, housing stabilization service, individual directed goods and services, occupational therapy, personal emergency response system, physical therapy, positive behavior support, remote supports, skilled nursing, specialized medical supplies, speech and language therapy, and supported employment transportation services to individuals with intellectual disabilities ages 3 or older who meet an ICF/IID level of care.
Provides adult day health with transportation, case management, homemaker, personal care, skilled respite, adult companion service, adult day health without transportation, assistive technology and DME, home delivered meals, home modification, medical supplies, personal emergency response system (PERS) installation, PERS - vendor monitoring/monthly, pest control services, skilled nursing, supervisory visit, and unskilled respite services to individuals ages 65 or older, and individuals with physical or other disabilities ages 0 or older who meet a nursing facility level of care. This waiver operates with a concurrent 1915(b)(1); 1915(b)(4); and 1915(j) authority.
Provides personal care/attendant services, private duty nursing, assistive technology, individual directed goods and services, medical supplies, and pest control services to individuals who are technology dependent ages 21 or older who meet a nursing facility level of care. This waiver operates with a concurrent 1915(j) authority.