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Adult Medicaid Quality Grant Details

The 26 state grantees selected by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) to participate in the Adult Medicaid Quality Grant Program collected and reported the Adult Core Set Measures and implemented two quality improvement projects (QIPs). The initial performance period for the grant was December 21, 2012 through December 20, 2014. Twenty-four states continued their work in 2015 through no-cost extensions of the grant period. 

The Spotlight Activities by State section below, highlights quality improvement projects, partnerships, data analytics, staff capacity and infrastructure development, and promising practices supported by the grant in each state. Also available are summaries of the topics and conditions addressed in the grantees’ quality improvement projects (QI Topic Briefs).

The grant project has three aims:

  • Evaluate methods for collection and reporting of the Medicaid Adult Core Set measures in varying delivery care settings (e.g. managed care, fee-for-service, long term care settings such as nursing homes and intermediate care facilities);
  • Develop staff capacity to report the data, analyze, and use the data for monitoring and improving access and the quality of care in Medicaid; and
  • Conduct at least two Medicaid quality improvement projects relating to Medicaid Adult Core Set measures.

In addition to meeting the three project aims, grantees were required to develop their capacity to collect data and test their ability to stratify a subset of the Medicaid Adult Core Set measures by at least two of the following demographic categories: race/ethnicity, gender, language, urban/rural, and disability status.

Spotlight Activities by State

As part of the assessment of the Adult Medicaid Quality Grant Program, RTI International and the National Academy for State Health Policy are producing a series of summaries synthesizing activities and lessons learned across the 26 grantees.  

State Spotlight

California and Louisiana Medicaid agencies both focused quality improvement efforts on maternal health as part of their Adult Medicaid Quality Grants.

California worked with managed care plans and other partners to improve postpartum care rates and train agency staff on maternal health quality improvement. California stratified the Postpartum Care measure from the Adult Core Set and identified racial disparities. The state used this information to inform their maternal health quality improvement efforts and target interventions towards increasing postpartum visit rates for African American women.

Louisiana partnered with hospitals, insurers, the state’s vital records office, and others to reduce the rate of non-medically indicated elective deliveries prior to 39 weeks gestation. As part of their quality improvement project to reduce early elective deliveries, Louisiana collaborated with Blue Cross Blue Shield of Louisiana to stop payment for non-medically indicated elective deliveries before 39 weeks gestation for Medicaid and Blue Cross Blue Shield of Louisiana beneficiaries beginning in September 2014.

More details on these maternal health quality improvement activities can be found in the California and Louisiana Adult Medicaid Quality state summaries. The summaries detail each state’s data collection, data analysis and infrastructure-building activities and highlight promising practices identified through grant activities

Select a state name to view a summary of its grant activities. The grant assessment is ongoing. Check back for new information as it becomes available.

StateGrant Activities
AlabamaNot Available
ArkansasNot Available
ConnecticutNot Available
GeorgiaNot Available
IndianaNot Available
IowaNot Available
MassachusettsNot Available
MichiganNot Available
MinnesotaNot Available
MissouriNot Available
MontanaNot Available
New HampshireAvailable
New MexicoNot Available
New YorkNot Available
OhioNot Available
OklahomaNot Available
OregonNot Available
PennsylvaniaNot Available
Rhode IslandNot Available
TexasNot Available
VermontNot Available
WashingtonNot Available
West VirginiaNot Available

Quality Improvement Topics

As a requirement of the AMQ grant, states implemented at least two quality improvement projects related to the Adult Core Set measures and aligned with other CMS and federal quality improvement initiatives. QI Projects were completed on a variety of state selected topics in the following categories - New information will be added periodically; please check back for updates:

  • Behavioral Health and Substance Use
  • Care of Acute and Chronic Conditions
  • Maternal and Perinatal Health
  • Preventing Hospital Re-Admission
  • Preventive Care
  • Home Health Care
  • Patient Centered Medical Homes