The Center's for Medicaid and CHIP Services (CMCS) is committed to providing information to support states in improving maternal and infant health outcomes.
Maternal and Infant Health Initiative Webinar: Perinatal Payment Strategies
This webinar focused on alternative payment methods that may encourage the delivery of high quality care to women across the prenatal, postpartum, and intrapartum periods. The discussion included national experts as well as state and federal officials about promising approaches to perinatal payment reform that are currently being explored.
- Perinatal Payment Webinar Presentation Slides
- Perinatal Payment Webinar Recording
- Perinatal Payment Webinar Transcript
Improving Postpartum Care
Well-Child Care
Coverage of Lactation Services
Reducing Early Elective Deliveries
- Reducing Early Elective Deliveries in Medicaid and CHIP
- Strong Start for Mothers and Newborns Initiative
- Contraception in Medicaid: Improving Maternal and Infant Health
Medicaid Medical Directors Network Perinatal Data
CMCS, in partnership with the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality and the Health Resources and Services Administration, is supporting a Medicaid Medical Director Network (MMDN) effort to better understand elective deliveries within the Medicaid population. The purpose of the project is to:
- Track recent trends in early elective deliveries and birth outcomes across states
- Understand the impact of early elective deliveries on birth outcomes in the Medicaid population and describe population variation among states
- Review the cost of early elective deliveries to Medicaid based on hospital stays
- Collect current state policies and program information related to early elective deliveries