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T-MSIS Analytic Files

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) requires all states* to submit data through the Transformed Medicaid and CHIP Statistical Information System (T-MSIS), including data on:

  • Enrollment
  • Demographics
  • Service Utilization
  • Payments
  • Managed Care Plans
  • Providers

T-MSIS Analytic Files (TAF)

State T-MSIS submissions are used to create a research-optimized version of the data known as the T-MSIS Analytic Files (TAF), which are specifically tailored to meet the the broad research needs of the Medicaid and CHIP data user community.  To request TAF Research Identifiable Files (TAF RIF), please see the Research Data Assistance Center (ResDAC) website, a centralized source of information on CMS datasets, for information on completing a data use agreement.

TAF RIF consist of:

  • Four claim types:  Inpatient, Long Term Care, Pharmacy, and Other Services
  • Annual Demographic and Eligibility File
  • Annual Provider and Managed Care Plan Files

Request TAF Data

Understanding Data Quality

In order to determine if the TAF data can meet your analytic needs, the DQ (Data Quality) Atlas is available to help.  This web-based tool was created to help analysts, and other stakeholders investigate the quality and usability of the TAF.

Access DQ Atlas

Medicaid and CHIP Analytic Products

This collection of analytic products leverages data from the TAF. Explore and view across key research topics or search for a specific topic.

Search Analytic Products 


Note: The Medicaid Analytic eXtract (MAX) was used prior to October 2015, but cutover dates vary by state.  The TAF RIF availability chart outlines when each state transitioned from MAX to TAF.  You can also reference the Analogs to MAX User Support Materials:  A Quick Guide.

* Other submitting entities include the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.