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MACBIS Resource Center

MACBIS delivers reliable, comprehensive, and timely Medicaid and CHIP operational and programmatic data using leading edge technology and analytic solutions. MACBIS is a CMS enterprise-wide initiative to ensure the Medicaid and CHIP data infrastructure and technology are commensurate to the programs’ role in supporting program monitoring, technical assistance and oversight. MACBIS data sets include T-MSIS, MACPro, pharmacy and financial data. This resource center is designed to support users of MACBIS analytic data and data tools by:

  • Making comprehensive documentation and training resources easily accessible, and
  • Providing contact information for addressing issues, fulfilling requests, and answering questions.

Content related to MACBIS data and data tools will continue to be added and updated to this website as it is developed.

T-MSIS Coding Guidance Listserv

Receive announcements as well as new and updated CMS guidance about coding information related to the Transformed Medicaid Statistical Information System (T-MSIS).

Subscribe to the T-MSIS listserv.

Contact Us

For assistance with Medicaid and CHIP data or tools, please email DataConnectSupport@cms.hhs.gov.