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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions are used to provide additional information and/or statutory guidance not found in State Medicaid Director Letters, State Health Official Letters, or CMCS Informational Bulletins. The different sets of FAQs as originally released can be accessed below.

Showing 681 to 690 of 722 results

How does HHS plan to operate the Navigator program for the Federally-Facilitated Exchanges? How many and what types of Navigators will there be in a particular state? What will their roles be? Can states require Navigators to hold a producer license? If not, what type of training or certification will they receive?

Section 1311(i) of the Affordable Care Act directs an Exchange - whether a State-Based Exchange or a Federally-Facilitated Exchange - to establish a program under which it awards grants to Navigators. Section 1311(i) and 45 C.F.R. section 155.210 articulate the required duties of a Navigator. In addition, section 155.210(c)(2) directs that the Exchange select two different types of entities as Navigators, one of which must be a community and consumer-focused non-profit group. This program is further described in the "General Guidance on Federally-facilitated Exchanges."

The number of Navigators per state served by a Federally-Facilitated Exchange will be contingent upon the total amount of funding available as well as the number of applications that we receive in each state in response to the forthcoming Navigator Grant Funding Opportunity Announcement that we plan to issue early next year to support the Federally-Facilitated Exchanges.

Additionally, a state or Exchange cannot require Navigators to hold a producer license (i.e., a license as an agent or broker) for the purpose of carrying out any of the duties required of Navigators in section 1311(i)(3) of the Affordable Care Act and 45 C.F.R. section 155.210(e). Because the law directs Navigators to carry out all required duties, linking a producer license to any one of those specific duties would have the effect of requiring all Navigator entities, their employees, and their sub-grantees to hold a producer license. As described above, this would prevent the application of the standard set forth in 45 C.F.R. section 155.210(c)(2) that at least two different types of entities must serve as Navigators. As such, and as provided by section 1321(d) of the Affordable Care Act, any state laws which would require all Navigators to hold a producer license would be preempted by 45 C.F.R. section 155.210(c)(2).

In Federally-Facilitated Exchanges and State Partnership Exchanges, individuals selected to receive Navigator grants or working for entities selected to receive Navigator grants must successfully participate in an HHS-developed and administered training program, which will include a certification examination pursuant to 45 C.F.R. section 155.210(b). In addition, under state law, states may impose Navigator-specific licensing or certification requirements upon individuals and entities seeking to operate as Navigators, so long as such licenses or certifications are not preempted by the requirement to award to different types of entities identified in 45 C.F.R. section 155.210(c)(2), such as producer licenses.

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FAQ ID:94511


What does HHS expect that states in a State Partnership Exchange must do to fulfill their obligations regarding in-person consumer assistance? How will the state-specific in-person consumer assistance programs be integrated with the Navigator program?

In-person assistance programs are an additional mechanism through which Exchanges may meet the consumer assistance responsibilities of the Exchange under 45 C.F.R. section 155.205(d) and (e). As described in the Federally-facilitated Exchange Guidance, states operating under a State Partnership Exchange will build and operate an in-person assistance program, for which grant funding is available under section 1311 of the Affordable Care Act, distinct from the Navigator program for that Exchange. State-Based Exchanges may do so as well. The purpose of providing multiple tools for in-person assistance is to ensure that all consumers can receive help when accessing health insurance coverage through an Exchange.

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FAQ ID:94521


What information will consumers provide in the single streamlined application? What is the process/timeline for the approval of a state-specific single streamlined application?

Section 1413 of the Affordable Care Act directs HHS to develop a single, streamlined application that will be used to apply for coverage through qualified health plans, Medicaid and CHIP. In addition, it can be used by persons seeking the advance payment of premium tax credits and cost sharing reductions available for qualified health plans through the Exchange. In consultation with states and other stakeholders, and with the benefit of extensive consumer testing, HHS has been developing an on-line and paper version of the single, streamlined application. We are releasing information on a rolling basis both to seek public comment and to support states in their eligibility system builds.

In July 2012, HHS published a notice in the Federal Register outlining the initial data elements that will be included in the streamlined application for public comment. HHS received over 60 comments from states and other stakeholders that have helped inform our ongoing development work. These comments, coupled with ongoing consumer testing, have helped us refine and improve the application.

Consumer testing and extensive consultation with states and consumer groups continues. HHS expects to provide the final version of the online and paper application in early 2013 and will also work with states that seek Secretarial approval for their own application.

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FAQ ID:94531


What will consumers be told if it appears they are not eligible for Medicaid, CHIP, or advance payments of premium tax credits?

A qualified individual still will have the option to purchase a qualified health plan through the Exchange if he or she is not eligible for Medicaid. CHIP or an advance payment of a premium tax credit. As outlined in 45 C.F.R. section 155.310(g), Exchanges will provide timely written notice to an applicant of any eligibility determination made by the Exchange. 45 C.F.R. section 155.230(a) provides further detail on the content of notices, including that notices contain contact information for available customer service resources and an explanation of appeal rights, if applicable.

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FAQ ID:94536


How will HHS help Exchanges with the eligibility process for exemptions from the shared responsibility payment for individuals?

Section 1311(d)(4)(H) of the Affordable Care Act specifies that the Exchange will issue certificates of exemption from the shared responsibility payment described in section 5000A of the Internal Revenue Code, which otherwise applies to individuals who do not maintain minimum essential coverage. In the "State Exchange Implementation Questions and Answers" released on November 29, 2011, we indicated that a State-Based Exchange could either conduct this assessment itself or use a federally-managed service for exemptions from the shared responsibility payment. We included this option in the Exchange Blueprint. State-Based Exchanges can also choose to conduct this function independently

With this service, the Exchange will accept an application for an exemption, and then transfer the information contained on the application to HHS through a secure, electronic transaction. HHS will conduct relevant verifications and return an eligibility determination to the Exchange, which will then notify the individual who submitted the application. The Exchange and HHS will share responsibility for customer service. To the extent that an individual's situation changes during the year, he or she would be required to submit an update to the Exchange, which will then transfer it to HHS to process. This configuration limits the level of effort required on the part of the Exchange, while ensuring that the Exchange complies with the statutory direction to issue certificates of exemption.

HHS will provide additional information regarding exemptions shortly, including technical specifications for the application and for the application transfer service.

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FAQ ID:94541


How will the Federally-Facilitated Exchange display qualified health plan options to consumers? Will consumers see all of their options or just those that are "best" for them? Will the Federally-Facilitated Exchange allow individuals who are eligible for Medicaid or CHIP to purchase qualified health plans instead?

Consumers will see all qualified health plans, including stand-alone dental plans, certified to be offered through the Federally-Facilitated Exchange, offered in their service area. HHS is developing ways for consumers to sort qualified health plan options based on their preferences.

Qualified individuals who are Medicaid or CHIP eligible are allowed to purchase qualified health plans instead of receiving coverage through the Medicaid or CHIP programs. However, they are not eligible to receive advance payments of premium tax credits or cost-sharing reductions to help with the cost of purchasing qualified health plans through an Exchange.

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FAQ ID:94546


Is there a deadline for letting the federal government know if a state will be proceeding with the Medicaid expansion? How does that relate to the Exchange declaration deadline? Is HHS intending to provide guidance to states as to the process by which state plan amendments are used to adopt Medicaid expansion under the Affordable Care Act?

No, there is no deadline by which a state must let the federal government know its intention regarding the Medicaid expansion. Nor is there any particular reason for a state to link its decision on the Exchange with its decision on the Medicaid expansion. States have a number of decision points in designing their Medicaid programs within the broad federal framework set forth in the federal statute and regulations, and the decision regarding the coverage expansion for low-income adults is one of those decisions.

As with all changes to the Medicaid state plan, a state would indicate its intention to adopt the new coverage group by submitting a Medicaid state plan amendment. If a state later chooses to discontinue coverage for the adult group, it would submit another state plan amendment to CMS. The state plan amendment process is itself undergoing modernization. As part of an overall effort to streamline business processes between CMS and states, in early 2013 CMS will begin implementing an online state plan amendment system to assist states in filing state plan amendments. We will be discussing the submission process for Affordable Care Act-related state plan amendments on our monthly State Operations and Technical Assistance calls with states and will be available to answer questions through that process.

While states have flexibility to start or stop the expansion, the applicable federal match rates for medical assistance provided to "newly eligible individuals" are tied by law to specific calendar years outlined in the statute: states will receive 100 percent support for the newly eligible adults in 2014, 2015, and 2016; 95 percent in 2017, 94 percent in 2018, 93 percent in 2019; and 90 percent by 2020, remaining at that level thereafter.

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FAQ ID:94551


If a state accepts the Medicaid expansion, can a state later drop out of the expansion program?

Yes. A state may choose whether and when to expand, and, if a state covers the expansion group, it may decide later to drop the coverage.

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FAQ ID:94556


Can a state expand to less than 133% of FPL and still receive 100% federal matching funds?

No. Congress directed that the enhanced matching rate be used to expand coverage to 133% of FPL. The law does not provide for a phased-in or partial expansion. As such, we will not consider partial expansions for populations eligible for the 100 percent matching rate in 2014 through 2016. If a state that declines to expand coverage to 133% of FPL would like to propose a demonstration that includes a partial expansion, we would consider such a proposal to the extent that it furthers the purposes of the program, subject to the regular federal matching rate. For the newly eligible adults, states will have flexibility under the statute to provide benefits benchmarked to commercial plans and they can design different benefit packages for different populations. We also intend to propose further changes related to cost sharing.

In 2017, when the 100% federal funding is slightly reduced, further demonstration opportunities will become available to states under State Innovation Waivers with respect to the Exchanges, and the law contemplates that such demonstrations may be coupled with section 1115 Medicaid demonstrations. This demonstration authority offers states significant flexibility while ensuring the same level of coverage, affordability, and comprehensive coverage at no additional costs for the federal government. We will consider section 1115 Medicaid demonstrations, with the enhanced federal matching rates, in the context of these overall system demonstrations.

Supplemental Links:

FAQ ID:94566


Do you still support the Medicaid blended FMAP (matching rate) proposal in your budget?

No. We continue to seek efficiencies and identify opportunities to reduce waste, fraud and abuse in Medicaid, and we want to work with Congress, states, and stakeholders to achieve those goals while expanding access to affordable health care. The Supreme Court decision has made the higher matching rates available in the Affordable Care Act for the new groups covered even more important to incentivize states to expand Medicaid coverage. The Administration is focused on implementing the Affordable Care Act and providing assistance to states in their efforts to expand Medicaid coverage to these new groups.

Supplemental Links:

FAQ ID:94576

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