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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions are used to provide additional information and/or statutory guidance not found in State Medicaid Director Letters, State Health Official Letters, or CMCS Informational Bulletins. The different sets of FAQs as originally released can be accessed below.

Showing 1 to 10 of 19 results

Which measures assess institutional rebalancing and utilization measures?

The following measures assess institutional rebalancing and utilization:

  • LTSS Admission to an Institution from the Community
  • LTSS Minimizing Institutional Length of Stay
  • LTSS Successful Transition after Long-Term Institutional Stay

FAQ ID:91101


Do I need to use value sets to calculate these institutional rebalancing and utilization measures? If so, where can I find the value sets?

Yes. Value sets are the complete set of procedure and codes used to identify a service or condition included in a measure. All three of the rebalancing measures—LTSS Admission to an Institution from the Community, LTSS Minimizing Institutional Length of Stay, and LTSS Successful Transition after Long-Term Institutional Stay—use the "Institutional Facility"value set (XLSX, 2.88 MB). See Table 2 in the "LTSS Value Sets to Codes" tab. Table 1 in the "LTSS Measures to Value Sets" tab shows each value set needed for each measure.

FAQ ID:91106


Should unpaid or denied claims be included in calculating the institutional utilization and rebalancing measures?

No, include paid claims only (days denied for any reason should not be included) for all three of the rebalancing measures—LTSS Admission to an Institution from the Community, LTSS Minimizing Institutional Length of Stay, and LTSS Successful Transition after Long-Term Institutional Stay.

FAQ ID:91111


Are there exclusions for the Long Term Services and Supports Admission to an Institution from the Community measure's eligible population (denominator)?

No. However, when identifying the measure’s denominator from the eligible population, there are a few cases in which you should not include member months. For example, do not include months when the plan member was residing in an institutional facility for the entire month (that is, there were no days in the month spent residing in the community). If a member died, do not include the month during which the member died and any subsequent months of enrollment in the measure’s denominator.

FAQ ID:91116


Are there exclusions for the Long Term Services and Supports Admission to an Institution from the Community measure's numerator?

When calculating the measure’s numerator (number of admissions to an institution), do not include admissions that are direct transfers from another institution, admissions from the hospital that originated from an institution, or admissions for individuals who do not meet the continuous enrollment criteria. If the member’s admission resulted in death in the institution or death within one day of discharge from the institution, do not include the admission in the numerator.

FAQ ID:91121


Can the community residence include assisted living?

Yes, people admitted to an institution who were residing in the community prior to their admission may include those residing in assisted living, adult foster care, or another setting that is not defined as an institution.

FAQ ID:91131


Is the Long Term Services and Supports Admission to an Institution from the Community measure risk-adjusted?

Yes, this measure is risk-adjusted, using risk stratification by age. Results are reported separately for four age groups (18-64, 65-74, 75-84, 85 and older) for each of the length of stay classifications (short-term stay, medium-term stay, and long-term stay).

FAQ ID:91136


Our state uses multiple cost centers (routine and ancillary) in the calculation of our inpatient hospital Upper Payment Limit (UPL). Do the templates permit the use of multiple cost centers?

Yes, the templates allow the use of multiple cost centers. For example, if the state uses a cost methodology for ancillary services and a per-diem methodology for routine services, the state will complete one cost template and one per-diem template in order to account for these two cost centers. Every hospital would be featured in each of the two templates; however, to differentiate their provider information, the state would append the Medicare Certification Number (Medicare ID) (variable 112) with a letter, such as an -A or a -B. For example, if the Medicare ID was 123456, it would be depicted in the cost template as 123456-A and in the per diem template as 123456-B. If a Medicare Certification Number is not available then the state should append the Medicaid Provider Number. If there are multiple cost centers under either the cost or per-diem methodology, the state would separate out the cost centers within their respective templates. Each cost center should be associated with only one appended letter and these should be described in the notes tab. When using multiple cost centers, the state should insert a new tab in the templates that summarizes the UPL gap calculations for each of the ownership categories (state government owned, non-state government owned, and private), unless a summary worksheet is already included in the workbook.

FAQ ID:92261


Our state uses multiple cost centers with varying cost-to-charge ratios in our calculation of the inpatient hospital Upper Payment Limit (UPL). Does the template accommodate this?

Yes, the template allows the use of multiple cost centers with multiple cost-to-charge ratios. The state would separately report the costs and payments associated with each of the cost centers in the cost template. To differentiate the cost centers, the state would append the Medicare Certification Number (Medicare ID) (variable 112) with a letter, for example an -A, -B, or -C, that would be used as a unique identifier for each cost center.

FAQ ID:92266


Our state uses multiple methodologies for the three ownership categories in the calculation of our inpatient hospital Upper Payment Limit (UPL). Do the templates permit the use of multiple methodologies?

Yes, the templates allow the use of multiple methodologies. The state would complete the templates associated with the UPL methodologies used. For example, if the state uses a cost-based methodology for state owned hospitals and a payment-based methodology for private hospitals, then the state would complete the cost template for the state owned hospitals and the payment template for the private hospitals. When using multiple methodologies, the state should insert a new tab in the templates that summarizes the UPL gap calculations for each of the ownership categories (state government owned, non-state government owned, and private), unless a summary worksheet is already included in the workbook.

FAQ ID:92271

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