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Renewal Strategies and Tools

This section contains tools and resources designed to assist states in executing accurate eligibility renewal processes for Medicaid and CHIP beneficiaries.

Title of Document
COVID-19 PHE Unwinding Section 1902(e)(14)(A) Waiver Approvals – (waivers extended thru 6/2025)
Medicaid and Children's Health Insurance Program Requirements for Providing, Prepopulating and Accepting Eligibility Renewal Forms (Posted 12/20/2024)
CIB: Basic Requirements for Conducting Ex Parte Renewals of Medicaid and CHIP Eligibility (Posted 11/26/2024) 
Slide Deck: Basic Requirements for Conducting Ex Parte Renewals of Medicaid and CHIP Eligibility (Posted 11/26/2024)
CIB: Use of Unwinding-Related Strategies to Support Long-Term Improvements to State Medicaid Eligibility and Enrollment Processes (Posted 11/14/2024) 
Slide Deck: Use of Unwinding-Related Strategies to Support Long-Term Improvements to State Medicaid Eligibility and Enrollment Processes (Posted 11/14/2024)
CIB: Ensuring Continuity of Coverage for Individuals Receiving Home and Community-Based Services (Posted 8/19/2024)
Slide Deck: Ensuring Continuity of Coverage for Individuals Receiving Home and Community-Based Services (Posted 8/19/2024)
CIB: Conducting Medicaid and CHIP Renewals During the Unwinding Period and Beyond: Essential Reminders (Posted 3/15/2024)
Slide Deck: Illustrative Examples of Processes Not Permitted Under Medicaid and CHIP Renewal Requirements (Posted 3/15/2024)
Overview of Strategic Approach to Engaging Managed Care Plans to Maximize Continuity of Coverage as States Resume Normal Eligibility and Enrollment Operations (Posted 12/8/2021 and updated 3/15/2024)
December 2023 Snapshot (PDF) – released December 2023 (Medicaid Unwinding Child/Youth Snapshot)
September 2023 Snapshot (PDF) – released December 2023 (Medicaid Unwinding Enrollment Trends Data Snapshot)
December 2023 Snapshot (PDF) – released November 2024 (Medicaid & CHIP Leavers and Coverage Transitions)
Notice Considerations for Conducting Medicaid & CHIP Renewals at the Individual Level (Posted November 7, 2023)
Scenarios: The Intersection of Continuous Eligibility and Individual Level Renewal Processes (Posted October 18, 2023)
Resources to Support State Implementation of Renewal Mitigation Strategies (Posted March 23, 2023)
Ensuring Continuity of Coverage and Preventing Inappropriate Terminations – Part 2 (Posted August 2021)
Ensuring Continuity of Coverage and Preventing Inappropriate Terminations – Part 1 (Posted July 2021)
CIB: Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) Renewal Requirements (Posted 12/4/2020)


These documents were designed to assist states during unwinding following the end of the COVID-19 public health emergency. The majority of eligibility and enrollment strategies and guidance in these documents remain applicable outside the context of unwinding, but some policies may have been superseded by new statute and regulations. States should contact their CMS State lead with any questions.

State Strategies to Minimize Terminations for Procedural Reasons During the COVID-19 Unwinding Period: Operational Considerations for Implementation (Posted 12/18/2023)
Ex-Parte Renewal: Strategies to Maximize Automation, Increase Renewal Rates, and Support Unwinding Efforts (Posted 10/20/2022)
Opportunities to Support Unwinding Efforts for States with Integrated Eligibility Systems and/or Workforces (Posted 9/16/2022)